
A Message from Matt

I swear I say this every year but “this has been the quickest year of my life” by a long shot.So much has happened this year that it almost feels like a bit of a blur at times.

We sold our house, moved to Portugal and are about to have our first Christmas with just Keris, Hamish and me since we met 17 years ago.

As one year comes to a close I love looking back and reflecting on the journey.

Especially how its lessons can help me going into a fresh year and I would say 2024 has possibly been the most informative year of all.

My goal is always to see how I can grow as an individual and how I can have a more positive impact on those around me.

Whether it’s my family, friends, coaching clients or even complete strangers.

I want my influence to be positive.

I have so much I want to share with you but as you’re no doubt keen to get back to your festive fun I will be concise. Promise.

#1 Make Time For You

Many important things in life require our time and attention but newsflash… YOU ARE IMPORTANT TOO.

So instead of squeezing things for you in between everything and everyone else, let’s flip that.

Prioritize yourself, make time for yourself and protect it. Some other things may have to go or be outsourced but the sooner you prioritise you the better.

It’s not selfish and here’s the thing… Only you can make this happen. This brings me to my next share nicely.

#2 Have Firm Boundaries

Many people think they have boundaries, they don’t.

If you have a boundary that slips frequently, that’s not a boundary at all.

If you keep using a lack of time as to why you can’t do things for yourself then I hate to say it, but it’s on you, and it’s down to you to change it.

The beauty of being firm with your boundaries is people will start to respect them.

I mean how can you expect anyone else to respect your boundaries if you don’t respect them yourself?

#3 Believe in Yourself Like You Do Others

If people had an ounce of the belief they had in others in themselves, they would be unstoppable.

I get it, life can do a number on you and it can chip away at your armour, your confidence and self-belief BUT you’ve got this.

Look back at all the times you’ve come out the other side when it felt like no end was in sight.

The things you’ve achieved that you probably haven’t even taken a moment to give yourself credit for.

That person is in there, you’ve just done a good job of keeping them quiet.

It’s time to be your own biggest cheerleader. Let’s GO!

#4 Have More Fun

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” as the saying goes and whilst everyone’s definition of fun will vary, I for one will be making a priority of it next year.

#5 Consistency Beats Optimal

Optimal this and optimal that. Unless you find something that you can be consistent with then optimal whatever doesn’t mean shit.

We are surrounded by so-called optimal diets, supplements and training protocols and I’m here to tell you it’s all nonsense.

My role as a coach is to help my clients discover positive consistency in their lives and it’s exactly why I work with the client in front of me.

I could go on but I genuinely believe that if in 2025 you consistently make more time for yourself, put a firm boundary around it whilst believing in yourself the way you believe in others and making fun a priority YOU WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

Here’s to knowing we can’t change the past, we can only learn from it and use it to sculpt our future.

So whatever story you’ve attached to it, it’s time to let it go.

The future is yours.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow’s a mystery and today is a gift, that’s why they call it the present”.

Big love and have a crackin’ Christmas!
