
Bodyweight Blitz

23rd June 2020

Ready to get sweaty? This quick but effective real-time workout requires no equipment, is guaranteed to raise your heart rate and transform your energy levels for the rest of the day. Give it a try! For more real-time workouts that…

Relaxing Yoga Routine

23rd June 2020

This relaxing yoga session will ensure you wind down at the end of the day and get a restful night’s sleep. For more yoga and mobility sessions, including our popular Yogabell workouts plus our restorative yoga flow join our membership site…

Lower Back Release Session

23rd June 2020

This short lower back release session will help soothe those areas that contribute to lower back pain and tension, as well as provide preventative care. For more advice and guidance on injury prevention, as well as mobility and strengthening sessions…

Lockdown LIVE Workout | Bodyweight Blitz

20th April 2020

Perform the following exercises for 45s with 15s rest between each. Go for 3 rounds. Sumo drop squats Knee drive jump lunge right leg Plank up & push up combo Knee drive jump lunge left leg Knee to elbow &…

Lockdown LIVE Workout – Bodyweight & Abs Workout

9th April 2020

NOTE: For this workout, you will need a thick hardback book if you have one, no worries if not. Part 1: Warm up Part 2: Perform each exercise for 45s with 15s rest between each. Go for 3 rounds back…

Lockdown LIVE Workout – Bodyweight Blitz Workout

9th April 2020

Part 1: Warm up Part 2: Perform each exercise for 50s with 10s rest between each. Go for 4 rounds back to back for 20 mins of work. Squat sprawl Hand release push ups Single leg squats Single leg squats…

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