healthy habits

DON’T Buy This on Black Friday

26th November 2024

So Black Friday is fast approaching. This year, I want you to pause and think carefully for a moment. In 2023 Black Friday online sales grew to 70.9 billion globally. Can you remember what you bought?  Where are those Black Friday…

Five Bedtime Habits For a Long and Happy Life

28th October 2016

Across Fitter Food we're often talking about daily habits that support your health goals, including batch cooking, walking and exercise, it might surprise you to know how you end your day is also really significant. Overnight we build lean body mass and repair, in fact our immune system really works it's magic whilst we sleep. There are a number of steps you can easily implement alongside putting on your favourite Pj's that will support a good night's sleep and allow your body to complete it's task list of essential chores. Check em out:

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