Fitter Food Radio #166: Gut Health Geek Out

25th May 2021

Keris kicks off the first GEEK out podcast discussing the Gut Microbiome including its role in health and disease, what factors influence your microbiome, and some of the latest research. Listen below or search ‘Fitter Food Radio’ on your…

Why You Probably DON’T Have IBS

8th March 2020

We received an email this week from an individual asking if nutritional therapy would be helpful for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). After years of suffering from bloating and constipation, they had finally managed to obtain a diagnosis from their GP and could begin to seek treatment.

A Fitter Food Good Gut Guide

22nd February 2020

A little wind or the occasional burp every now and then is a natural sign there's some digestive activity going on inside, however, excessive occurrence of these bodily functions may be a sign that's somethings up with your gut.

Power Of Paleo Diet For Crohn’s and Colitis

29th December 2019

So this is pretty exciting, one of the first research studies that demonstrates how the paleo diet has the potential to be a highly effective intervention for Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and likely other autoimmune diseases.

URGENT: Avoid Buying THIS on Black Friday

23rd November 2017

Black Friday is upon us and this year the hype is strong. I’m guilty of participation and have my eyes on a decent set of running trainers. There are certainly some bargains to be had but before you open your wallet it's important to know there's ONE thing I strongly suggest you don't splash your cash on today, as it's likely to land you in hot water at some point.

Clean Eating Vs Cheating

25th June 2015

I’ve never been very good at 100% so I no longer endeavor to achieve it when it comes to nutrition and health, I just make the right decisions the majority of the time and don’t go crazy or feel guilty when I don’t. In the past I’ve followed strict elimination diets, partly to understand the experience and benefits they have to offer and partly to help fix up my gut or maybe ditch a developing reliance on something, usually caffeine.

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