
Fitter Food Radio #166: Gut Health Geek Out

25th May 2021

Keris kicks off the first GEEK out podcast discussing the Gut Microbiome including its role in health and disease, what factors influence your microbiome, and some of the latest research. Listen below or search ‘Fitter Food Radio’ on your…

10 Foods To Help You Lose Weight & Feel Awesome

21st September 2015

So, with this title you might be thinking that I'm going to suggest green tea (ramps up metabolism), celery (more calories to digest than it contains), coconut oil (it's fat burning y'know) and as much as I'd like to believe dipping celery into a bulletproof green tea might help your waistline, I'm yet to find anyone to do this on a daily basis, but feel free to give it a go. In actual fact, the foods I'm about to recommend have a more indirect effect on your body composition, mood, energy and vitality by feeding your gut flora.

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