Keris’ Blog

5 Reasons You’re Not Getting Results

8th July 2015

Last week we attended The Fit Festival in Edinburgh to deliver some educational presentations on nutrition, exercise and healthy living. We also had a stand at the show so we could chat to visitors and spread the Fitter Food love in person. We always enjoy any chance to meet new folk and offer advice and guidance to keep them progressing on their health and fat loss journey. However I head something at the weekend that I really want to address...

5 Steps To Get Your Mojo Back

6th July 2015

There's something I want to share with you guys. Even though life may often look hunky dory for Matt and I, it’s actually been a bit of a rough year for us. Just like many of you we've had our fair share of personal and work related issues that have really impacted our outlook on life. At times it's felt like ‘one thing after another’ is going wrong and we've questioned our ability to cope. When lots of events beyond your control take place life can quickly became frightening and overwhelming.

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