
Summer Wine

28th June 2014

A friend of mine told me a story about an old man who lives in the Canary Islands - The man, now in his 90s, walks for 2 hours up and over hills every day to sit on the coast and have a chilled glass of Rioja at sunset. He says he owes it to the wine that he's kept healthy over the years - and although I am inclined to believe it's more because of the walking, I think there's some merit in his answer!

Nuts About Coconuts

27th May 2014

At Fitter London we are coconut crazy.   It's great for digestion, energy, skin health and much more.  So we thought we'd fill you in on why and how to go coconutty!

Fast Fat Facts!

27th May 2014

Let me hit you with a fat fact - you absolutely need fats for optimal health. Capishe? In fact, low fat diets cause nothing but low moods and misery and in our opinion should be avoided. The vital thing when it comes to fat intake is to understand how to incorporate fats into your diet to make the most of their awesome properties and to feel confident in your source choices.

Beating the Post Bank Holiday Blues

5th May 2014

After an extra long weekend it can be especially difficult to face the alarm clock and enthusiastically dive back into the rat race. Until you can plot a longer term escape getting some good, healthy scoff down your neck can help beat the moody Tuesday blues. 

Sure Fire Signs Your Diet Isn’t Working

5th May 2014

Were you aware that your body communicates with you all the time by sending key messages about its current health and wellbeing? In our book Fitter Food: A Lifelong Recipe for Health and Fat Loss we detail those sure fire signs that your current eating habits aren’t working for you. Many of us not only ignore this crucial feedback but also consider the following warning signs totally normal:

Have a Heart

1st May 2014

Did you know Co-Enzyme Q10 (COQ10) can help increase energy production in the body and burn fat?

5 Awesome, Easy, Healthy Desserts

3rd April 2014

Here at Fitter Food we totally understand that every now and then you might need some 'pleasure' foods in your life - who doesn't! Now you don't need to destroy your healthy efforts at the same time with our 5 awesome, easy, healthy desserts!   These desserts are designed to give you a little of what you fancy without destroying your waistline.  Got your own healthy desserts you'd like to share? Tweet us @fitter_food 

The Fitter Food Solution

2nd April 2014

So mainstream media is catching onto the Paleo approach, especially when it comes to that all important, ever present goal of fat loss.  In 2013, Paleo was the most googled diet and this week clinical studies have announced - “Caveman diet twice as effective as modern diets when trying to lose weight”

5 Tips To Building Muscle & Losing Body Fat: The Essentials

1st November 2013

To build lean muscle requires training and sound nutrition but there maybe other essentials you are missing out of your routine that will ensure you become an anabolic machine. Check out these 5 tips, a surefire way to see gains like never before!

7 awesome breakfast ideas ready in less than 8 minutes:

3rd September 2013

We have had a large request for breakfast ideas especially those that can quickly be picked up on the go. We may have lied to you about them all being ready in less than 8 minutes as you can imagine many of these ideas will require preparing the night before but it will go a hell of a long way when you are running round the house getting yourself or the kids ready for the day so please don't hold it against us. Check them out:

Cinnamon controls blood sugar and belly fat!

3rd September 2013

Cinnamon is a superb and essential addition to your diet, it's been around for centuries but recently studies have unveiled it's unique ability to improve our metabolism of sugar. 

10 habits that made me healthier, leaner, stronger…….

1st August 2013

...full of energy and of course happy! To those who follow Fitter Food or know me personally it's no secret that I tend to eat well most of the time, a diet rich in natural, unprocessed foods with the odd slip up when I walk past an ice-cream parlour. However, this was far from the case 4 years ago.

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