A Fitter Food Webinar: Menopause & HRT – Everything You Need to Know

 FF Eventbrite - Menopause & HRT - Sept 08

Date: Wednesday 08 September 2021
Time: 7.30 – 8.30pm
Where: Zoom (Online) 
Cost: FREE


Is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) your friend or foe?

About this event

Join author, nutritionist, lecturer, and specialist in women’s health Keris Marsden of Fitter Food on Wednesday 08 September at 7.30pm for a one-hour discussion on weight loss during peri-menopause, menopause, and beyond.

Weight gain does not have to be an inevitable side effect of going through the change and Keris will share with you the latest research says about HRT and weight loss, as well as advice and guidance for any woman approaching menopause or navigating the transition.

The webinar is free and will include:

  • An evidence-based review of the impact of HRT on weight management in menopausal women
  • Evaluating the bigger picture and the impact of aging and hormone decline on the metabolism
  • Pros and cons of HRT for weight management

Keris will also be available to take questions at the end of the webinar.

We hope you can join us on Wednesday 08 September at 7.30pm.

Please note: the webinar will be recorded and whilst we encourage you to join us live so you can have your questions answered, we will be sharing the recording of the webinar with those registered to join us shortly after the 08 September.



Why I signed up for the hub


About Keris Marsden, Fitter Food

Keris Marsden (NT Dip CNM, BA Hons, mBANT) is a qualified Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist and Lecturer. She is also a Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor and is the mastermind behind the sweet treats on offer from the Fitter Food kitchen. As the co-author of the best-selling paleo-inspired recipe book, The Paleo Primer, she is 100% dedicated to showcasing that eating an awesome diet of good quality, great-tasting, and easily accessible produce is essential in living a long, healthy, energised, and positive life. Keris regularly blogs on fitterfood.com about her personal experiences with PCOS, orthorexia, and hormone health. She has a specialist interest in women’s health and has worked with thousands of private clients supporting fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, post-natal health and the menopause.