Lynne’s Blog

#190 – Is Your Healthy Lifestyle too Stressful?

24th July 2024

This week on Fitter Food Radio, Keris and Matt discuss the impact of stress on health. Plus, how your health journey can become a stressor with excessive dietary restrictions, wearable data and complex self care routines. Listen now wherever…

Hamish Reminds us to Be More Dog

22nd July 2024

Hamish, our Bavarian Mountain Hound was booked in for surgery and some investigations last week. It proved to be an anxious 24 hours as you can imagine. Accompanied by a difficult realisation that he’s ageing faster than us and…

Fitter Food #189 – How to Optimise Sleep Health

10th July 2024

This week on Fitter Food Radio Matt and Keris welcome Dr Greg Potter who specialises in circadian biology, sleep, diet, and metabolism. We chat about the benefits of sleep when it comes to weight loss, tips for anyone struggling with…

Could Creatine be Beneficial for You?

29th February 2024

There's one supplement that is currently on everyone's lips: Creatine I've watched my gym bro pals chug creatine monohydrate down for years and it turns out I should have been getting in on the action. Whilst it is a top supplement for improving performance during exercise, the main thing you need to take away is this...

Radical Acceptance

12th February 2024

Before heading off to Portugal last summer for my solo retreat I downloaded some books on mindset and healing. I use a combination of recommendations and reviews to find new things and I stuck them in Audible. Shortly after arriving,…

Dental Health Beyond Brushing Your Teeth

2nd February 2024

  Do you look after your teeth? I mean beyond brushing them and whitening treatments? You should. Your mouth is a pathway to your bloodstream. Think about it… …drugs can be delivered sublingually under the tongue…

Are You Corroding Inside?

24th January 2024

I recently ordered a set of blood tests as an annual health check. I asked Matt whether he’d like a test ordering and he responded with… ‘meh, not really’ I understand why, we’ve just paid out for some car…

Fitter Food Radio #184 – 2023 Reflections

19th December 2023

In this episode Keris and Matt look back and reflect on a year in health and use the reflection to discuss the best approach for 2024. Please remember to rate, review and subscribe. Find out more about Strong60…

Overcoming Burnout – Lessons from Portugal

19th December 2023

Earlier this year I decided to head to Portugal for the summer and was fortunate to be able to take 4 weeks completely off work. I was burnt out and struggling with some digestive issues worsened by Covid. I stayed…

Fitter Food Radio #183 – Dr Tommy Wood Returns

5th December 2023

Our favourite guest Dr Tommy Wood is back on the show and we discussed diet and cholesterol, the benefits of cardio and touched on the carnivore diet and whether there is a need for vegetables. Dr Tommy Wood will…

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