
5 Steps To Find The Best Diet For You

16th October 2018

It never ceases to amaze me how much time and consideration people invest in choosing a car or mobile phone. At the point of purchase, you know EXACTLY what you need in terms of speed, space, cost, functionality, brand, colour and can describe the whole specification effortlessly.

Are You Paleo or Faileo?

4th August 2014

Paleo was the most googled diet of 2013 and is finally hitting the mainstream, competing with the 5:2 and kicking Dukan to the curb.  You would think most people in the health industry would be pretty pleased about the growing popularity of paleo. However, sadly the coverage has meant some of its key principles are being lost in translation and other aspects are rather exaggerated, leaving many adopters confused about the principles, without the desired results or even worse; noticing a decline in their health. 

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