

What I Ate Today And Why

10th August 2015

Call me nosey but I’m always fascinated to find out what people are eating, it often inspires me to make more positive changes within my own nutrition and offers some new, yummy ideas. Of course if it’s a trainer or nutritionist I’m even more intrigued to see how they implement the information they teach on a daily basis! I thought I would share with you what a typical menu looks like for me in the Fitter Food household, along with some details on why I make those choices. I’ve also shared my supplement regime.

Love Your Legs In Six Easy Steps

13th July 2015

Lately my newsfeed keeps me telling to “Get Lean Legs!” and offering the promise of super slim thighs in six weeks. Can I be honest? It all makes me sigh a little. Don't get me wrong, I’m actually quite a fan of the 'bro-science' and articles out there about reducing lower body fat. Particularly because a lot of the information is based upon supporting optimal hormone balance and detoxification, which can only be a good thing no matter what you’re health goal is. However, they’re often lacking a little feminine perspective for my liking!

Clean Eating Vs Cheating

25th June 2015

I’ve never been very good at 100% so I no longer endeavor to achieve it when it comes to nutrition and health, I just make the right decisions the majority of the time and don’t go crazy or feel guilty when I don’t. In the past I’ve followed strict elimination diets, partly to understand the experience and benefits they have to offer and partly to help fix up my gut or maybe ditch a developing reliance on something, usually caffeine.

Five Signs You’re Too Low Carb

24th June 2015

Adapting your carbohydrate intake and limiting certain types of carbs is certainly a significant aspect of optimal health for most people. We have spoken before about establishing your carbohydrate tolerance and manipulating carb intake to help optimise hormone function. However, watching the cast of TOWIE ditch the 'carbs before Marbs' alongside  those awesome results many of us experienced when we first dropped out the bread, potatoes and pasta, often makes it easy to creep back into low carb habits, perhaps even limiting carb intake much more than we need to.

Lessons Learned From Decades of Diets

24th February 2015

The last few decades can be characterised by their overriding theories and beliefs surrounding weight loss. We had the fat phobic, calorie counting 1970-80's, the carb controlled Atkins/Dukan/Zone throughout the 1990-00's and more recently we've HIIT the fasting, gluten free, bootcamp #everydamnday era! It seems every week there is a new villain unveiled, we all sit up to pay attention for five minutes, apply it for a week at best to unleash its revolutionary powers, before returning to the old habits and comfort zone we know and love dearly.

Homemade Chocolates

21st February 2015

I started making chocolate after becoming increasingly frustrated by the fact that the cocoa content (the healthiest ingredient) in most brands seems to be gradually decreasing to make room for more sugar. I've experimented with raw chocolate, buying my own cacao liquor and cacao butter which is fun, but it can be  expensive and some people struggle to source these so the basic ingredient of these homemade chocolates is 85% dark chocolate.

Post Exercise Carbohydrates: A Case for the Fitter Flapjack

19th November 2014

Although many of us have become a little 'carb-phobic' these days it's important to remember that in healthy quantities carbohydrates (including glucose and fructose) can be processed effectively by our body, either used for energy or stored in our muscles and liver as glycogen. For this reason one of the best times to consume carbohydrates is following exercise, when our need to replenish glycogen stores is greater.  

The In Denial Diet: A Sure Fire Fat Loss Fail

28th October 2014

Do you ever feel like your efforts to be healthy aren’t bringing the expected fat loss results Perhaps you’ve fallen into the trap of the 'In Denial Diet' and are continuing with  underlying behaviour which is significantly hindering your progress. Take a moment to read some of the typical traits below and see if they ring any familiar bells...

Fitter Food: A Beginners Guide

23rd October 2014

After years of eating cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and pasta for dinner we totally understand why the thought of ditching these for good might seem daunting, or even impossible. In a busy world where convenience often overrides health as a priority and ready meals have become the norm, the notion of sourcing and cooking all of your own food might just send you over the edge! With that in mind we’re offering you a few ideas on where to start your Fitter Food transition and develop healthy habits that ensure eating awesome, nourishing nutrition is effortless.

10 Tips For Improving Insulin Health

8th October 2014

Optimal health is largely about achieving effective communication across the whole body. Our hormones play a significant role in this process and it's vital that our body listens and responds in a healthy way to the messages being conveyed. Insulin is one of the most important hormones as it's responsible for transporting nutrients into our cells for energy. It's therefore important your nutrition, training and lifestyle ultimately support insulin health.

Basic Guide to Carbohydrates

1st October 2014

We're all a bit carb obsessed lately what with the influx of low carb, controlled carb, carb cycling diets that have dominated the nutrition and health scene.  Before you jump on the latest carb wagon it's wise to take some time to learn about carbohydrates as a group of macronutrients and how they are processed by our body.  This will help you determine your needs and possibly the food choices you subsequently make regarding carbohydrates. Here at Fitter Food we have simplified the science to help you out.

Fruit & Fat Loss

23rd September 2014

When it comes to fruit we tend to observe polar opposite approaches, either people are chomping down several servings and downing pints of orange juice to get their daily vitamin C fix or they’re avoiding it like the plague as someone informed them “fruit makes you fat!”  So what is the score with fruit? 

96 – 108 of 143 results