

Stuck In Health Rut? Three Steps To Freedom

9th November 2016

Stuck in a health rut? Typically this kind of rut involves a degree of excessiveness or poor choices regarding food, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, exercise, work, recreational drugs and even spending money. Often it's hard to change these habits because they're providing a source of happiness or distraction and at the same time creating a cycle of dependency by squashing the bodies natural sense of motivation and positivity.

9 Steps To Boost Brain Power and Memory

5th June 2016

We’ve been inundated with emails and questions about how to support memory function and inject some life back into our flagging brains. Interestingly, it’s actually our lifestyles that are destroying our ability to remember where we left our keys, if we switched off the oven and what our pin number is. There are so many things you do across your day to support cognitive function, many of which will also lower your risk of most chronic diseases, help you lose weight and perform better.

#FitterFriday Fat Loss Circuit [No Gym Needed]

6th May 2016

This weekend make it your mission to smash this awesome fat loss workout! This circuit is designed to target every muscle in the body, giving you an awesome calorie burn, taking your cardio fitness up a gear and keeping your metabolism boosted for up to 24 hours afterwards. Best of all it'll take you less than 20 minutes. I like to use outdoor bodyweight training as the perfect complement to my heavy lifting gym sessions. Give it a try!

Conquer Your Carb Phobia: Our Top 5 Tips

6th May 2016

Most people interested in health and fitness right now have their own journey with macronutrients. Paleo and the Atkins revolution opened up our eyes to the notion that perhaps fat wasn't the enemy after all but rather carbs including  bread, rice, pasta and potatoes were causing our waistlines to expand and spill over our jeans in true muffin top style. Of course this is a hugely simplified version of events and it's clear that the goal with any macros is simply finding your sweet spot. However, gaining back your confidence eating carbs again after a low carb diet can be tricky business and is often fraught with fears of weight gain.

Female Hormones – The Menstrual Cycle and Natural Contraception

15th February 2016

Us ladies are a little more complicated than the fellas when it comes to having healthy hormones as the female hormone cycle during fertile years is geared towards reproduction. Optimal amounts of certain hormones are required at different times across the month to ensure the maturation and release of an egg occurs from the ovaries and that a pregnancy can be supported sufficiently should it take place. A number of hormones need to synchronise and a delicate balance must be maintained across the 28 days to ensure these necessary biological changes can take place.

3 Steps To Easy And Effective Fat Loss

7th February 2016

I posted on Facebook a while back that perhaps there's a little too much effort going on when it comes to fat loss and people might be missing some quick wins which could be achieved by kicking back a little and simplifying things. When an individual decides they want to change their body composition and focus on getting healthy it often starts off all guns blazing. There are plans to eat boat loads of steamed kale, smash HIIT sessions daily and answer to no one but the weighing scales.

Two Things That Transformed My Body & Health

9th December 2015

I have discussed my transition to a Fitter way of living before and how experienced a huge benefit and never looked back. However, I credit two things in particular to having a hugely positive impact upon my body, I know you must be thinking these are the food I ate and the training programme I followed, however, whilst these played an important role the following two lifestyle changes helped me to a much greater degree so I thought I'd share them with you.

Crimbo, Calories and Fat Loss

17th November 2015

It’s nearly Christmas and I'm so looking forward to it! Spending time with loved ones, chilling out and enjoying some of my favourite treats including Yule log, short bread and mulled wine... yum. I can’t lie I'm a sucker for festive treats, they have sentimental value and as I'm just a big kid at heart I don't need much persuading to indulge.

Fitter Guide To Baking Part 3: Pimp The Bake

31st August 2015

In the final blog of our baking series I’m covering how to 'pimp your baking' and some add extra nutrients. This could be anything from vegetables in your cookies or cakes, antioxidants in your puddings and pies or adapting recipes to help them fit your macronutrient needs. Once you have experimented with alternative flours and different healthy sweeteners, the icing on your bake is to add some nutrient dense foods like spices, cocoa and coffee to make your recipe comply with your own personal nutrition needs. Here are three simple steps to pimping your bake:

Turn Fat Loss Problems Into Solutions

26th August 2015

We've all heard this great  saying: “don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions!” but the truth is people often feel so paralysed by the problems they are blind to the many solutions available to get back on track or resolve the issue.

Fitter Guide To Baking Part 2: Sweeteners

24th August 2015

In the first part of our Fitter Guide To Baking series we covered different flours available and here in part 2 we cover healthier options to sweeten your bake. There is so much confusion surrounding natural sweeteners and which is best to use. The answer really depends on your own personal health goals and of course the requirements of the recipe as liquid or powdered sweeteners will create different textures. Here we outline the properties of different natural sweeteners so you can decide which works for your personal nutrition and more importantly creates a better biscuit, cake or tart!

Are You Listening To Your Body?

19th August 2015

The health and fitness industry, fat loss industry, nutrition or diet industry - whatever you wish to call it - they are all packed with experts, some more qualified than others. Some we like and trust, others we don’t. This is fantastic and we should be grateful for the information we have access to, however, it seems folks are now having difficultly making decisions for themselves and actually listening to the natural feedback their body offers.

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