

Fitter Guide To Baking Part 1: Flour

17th August 2015

The Great British Bake Off is back and we have already witnessed the black forest gateaux disaster, drooled over Mary’s frosted walnut layer cake and then got uber excited when we remembered how awesome it is to dunk biscotti in your cappuccino. Have you tried our BOSH Biscotti yet?

Beating Binge Eating

3rd August 2015

We’ve received several requests to provide some advice on disordered eating habits, most notably binge easting disorders and comfort eating. One issue in discussing this highly subjective topics is establishing if you have an actual disorder, or just tend to overeat due to a lack of appetite control and cravings. In many way most of the information and guidance offered here supports most disordered eating habits and emotional eating patterns.

3 Steps To Shift Stubborn Stomach Fat

27th July 2015

We receive lots of emails about fat around the middle and how to blitz the old belly into shape. In some people a quick tidy up of their nutrition and they melt the muffin top away, discovering abs for the first time in years! For others it can be a case of identifying a few health issues which are actively exacerbating the situation and fuelling fat storage around the middle first...

Common Hormonal Complications

20th July 2015

How frequently have you said “it must be my hormones!” because I hear this pretty often from clients, friends and family. We talk about our hormones like they’re some separate entity ticking away inside of us with a mind of their own, completely outside our control. In fact, hormones are actually taking most of their direction from our senses and feedback signals from our environment. A single thought experienced by you can initiate a cascade of hormones. Here is a guide to understanding hormone health and an overview of some common complications that can occur.

The Fastest Route To Fat Loss

15th July 2015

Fat loss, fat loss, fat loss. Probably the answer to so many peoples question when you ask “what is your health goal”. Well that’s cool because losing body weight can be a good thing, especially if you have excess body fat to lose and you want to look and feel better. However, here's why the fastest route to fat loss isn't always the best route.

Love Your Legs In Six Easy Steps

13th July 2015

Lately my newsfeed keeps me telling to “Get Lean Legs!” and offering the promise of super slim thighs in six weeks. Can I be honest? It all makes me sigh a little. Don't get me wrong, I’m actually quite a fan of the 'bro-science' and articles out there about reducing lower body fat. Particularly because a lot of the information is based upon supporting optimal hormone balance and detoxification, which can only be a good thing no matter what you’re health goal is. However, they’re often lacking a little feminine perspective for my liking!

5 Reasons You’re Not Getting Results

8th July 2015

Last week we attended The Fit Festival in Edinburgh to deliver some educational presentations on nutrition, exercise and healthy living. We also had a stand at the show so we could chat to visitors and spread the Fitter Food love in person. We always enjoy any chance to meet new folk and offer advice and guidance to keep them progressing on their health and fat loss journey. However I head something at the weekend that I really want to address...

Conquering Fears and Fat Loss

25th June 2015

I'll be honest with you. I have never had any interest in doing a skydive and my heart sank when I found out this was planned for the group activity day of our mentoring program. Am I scared of heights? No. Flying? Never been a problem. Jumping out of a plane from 14000ft with no guarantee the parachute would open? YES that’s what I was scared of!! And not just for me but for Keris too, as she was right there with me doing the same crazy thing, so I was double scared for the two of us.

Are You Too Scared to Switch Off?

10th June 2015

By the time you read this blog we’ll be out in the Algarve enjoying our first holiday in months. Whilst we’ve travelled around a geat deal in the last year, most of the time it’s involved working each day to some degree or a previous commitment for our time. Read about how we're coping with our switch off.

Polyphenols: A Case for Coffee, Chocolate and a Cheeky Vino

10th June 2015

There’s lots of excitement surrounding the power of polyphenols in the nutrition world right now, as compelling new evidence supports their ability to prevent and protect against degenerative diseases. We explain the science behind this in our latest blog.

Top Takeaways From The Fitter Food Academy

21st May 2015

Excuse us for blowing our own trumpet here (parp!) but we wanted to tell you about our incredible experiences at the Fitter Food Academy. As you may have gathered we're pretty passionate about sustainable health so it was wonderful to spend the day with like-minded individuals who share our goal, not to mention have a chance to work alongside the awesome Naturopath Emma Mihill and Strength Coach Paul Watson! 

Why Is Paleo So Popular?

13th May 2015

There’s paleo anything and everything these days; restaurants, magazines, Facebook groups, meet ups, meal delivery services, not to mention an endless selection of Paleo inspired recipe books! Ocado has even launched its Paleo shopping aisle, enabling you to order Paleo granola, cookies or cake mix in true cave man style at the click of a button!

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