

My Top 5 Exercises For The Posterior Chain

19th November 2014

Your posterior chain muscles are those that run down the back of the body. This blog focuses on the larger muscle groups, including your hamstrings, glutes, lower, mid and upper back.

10 Stress Busting Nutrition Tips

12th November 2014

Armed with the latest knowledge, this weeks blog offers some guidance on the nutritional changes you can implement (alongside some key stress management measures) to help support your body and mind against the negative effects of stress that many of us experience on a daily basis.

Booze: Do Calories Count?

5th November 2014

With the Government proposing nutritional labelling for alcoholic drinks we ask whether it will bring about the desired effect or simply drive the calorie counting craze further in the wrong direction.

Win Tickets to Pure Taste Restaurant Launch

29th October 2014

Listeners to our podcast may remember way back in 2013 (episode 7) we featured Holly Redman, an expert nutritionist, who was raising funds (via KickStarter) to open the UK's first gluten-free and paleo-friendly restaurant. 

Get outside and See What’s Around The Corner….

3rd September 2014

We've just returned from a weekend in Glasgow where we were presenting and exhibiting at the Scottish Fitness & Nutrition Expo. In total we were in sunny Scotland for 5 days and as much as we would have liked to have taken along our awesome dog Hamish, sadly no dogs were allowed at the Expo meaning we'd have to leave him behind. Fortunately for us, Matt's Mum stepped in as dog sitter for the week. During this time she had a sudden realisation about the wonders of walking which has inspired this post.

5 Tips For A Healthy Holiday

4th July 2014

Ahhh it's holiday time. You’ve been looking forward to this for ages, counting down the days, working hard in the gym and watching what you eat, always with that end goal of looking hot in your bikini or buff in your board shorts. And why not? Who doesn’t want to look and feel good when they hit the beach and enjoy a well deserved break in the sun?

Summer Wine

28th June 2014

A friend of mine told me a story about an old man who lives in the Canary Islands - The man, now in his 90s, walks for 2 hours up and over hills every day to sit on the coast and have a chilled glass of Rioja at sunset. He says he owes it to the wine that he's kept healthy over the years - and although I am inclined to believe it's more because of the walking, I think there's some merit in his answer!

10 habits that made me healthier, leaner, stronger…….

1st August 2013

...full of energy and of course happy! To those who follow Fitter Food or know me personally it's no secret that I tend to eat well most of the time, a diet rich in natural, unprocessed foods with the odd slip up when I walk past an ice-cream parlour. However, this was far from the case 4 years ago.

Steak, Chorizo & Pimped Up Peas

15th April 2013

At Fitter Food if we have the opportunity to cook a dish that involves whacking everything together in one pan we jump at the chance. We don't believe food should be faffy or time consuming and this meal reflects that perfectly. This is a dish that is so easy to do anyone could do it. Super quick yet bursting with flavour. Can you go wrong when chorizo is involved? Not really. Check it out.

What is the purpose of our meals?

27th February 2013

We all eat food, we all need to eat food, we all enjoy food but do we eat food for the right reasons? Sadly for most the answer is no. Many will think the title of this post is a silly question but in my opinion is a very important one.

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