
5 Steps to Fire Up Your Metabolism

6th December 2015

If you have followed Fitter Food for some time now you'll know that we’ve been going on for years about the essentials of fat loss which include eating nutritious food, moving daily, exercising a few times a week, sleeping soundly and managing stress. All of these support optimal hormone health and the body's natural mechanisms for healthy weight management. Everyone needs to master the basics before they progress to more advanced protocols. However, we also acknowledge that some people's bodies need an extra nudge to get results or maybe your fat loss has stalled a little. The following are just a few simple steps you can implement that can kick your metabolism into action.

Expert Interview: Joslyn Thompson Rule – Nike Master Trainer

1st November 2015

This week we chat to Joslyn Thompson Rule recently voted Nike Master Trainer of the year 2015. She's been in the fitness industry for 12 years working as a personal trainer and sports therapist. In addition to this she also has a history of competing in numerous sports including rowing, dancing, triathlons, Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit and gymnastics.

Expert Interview: Sarah Doyle – The Better Life Project

11th October 2015

Over the next few weeks I'm doing some expert interviews with some folks who have appeared on our Fitter Food Radio podcast and speak at Fitter Food events as they follow similar principles to Matt and I. We love collaborating with them as they have a similar passion for health and wellbeing that's infectious!

Fitter Guide To Baking Part 3: Pimp The Bake

31st August 2015

In the final blog of our baking series I’m covering how to 'pimp your baking' and some add extra nutrients. This could be anything from vegetables in your cookies or cakes, antioxidants in your puddings and pies or adapting recipes to help them fit your macronutrient needs. Once you have experimented with alternative flours and different healthy sweeteners, the icing on your bake is to add some nutrient dense foods like spices, cocoa and coffee to make your recipe comply with your own personal nutrition needs. Here are three simple steps to pimping your bake:

Common Hormonal Complications

20th July 2015

How frequently have you said “it must be my hormones!” because I hear this pretty often from clients, friends and family. We talk about our hormones like they’re some separate entity ticking away inside of us with a mind of their own, completely outside our control. In fact, hormones are actually taking most of their direction from our senses and feedback signals from our environment. A single thought experienced by you can initiate a cascade of hormones. Here is a guide to understanding hormone health and an overview of some common complications that can occur.

Why Is Paleo So Popular?

13th May 2015

There’s paleo anything and everything these days; restaurants, magazines, Facebook groups, meet ups, meal delivery services, not to mention an endless selection of Paleo inspired recipe books! Ocado has even launched its Paleo shopping aisle, enabling you to order Paleo granola, cookies or cake mix in true cave man style at the click of a button!

Body Image Battles

29th January 2015

One from the archives to share today. I published this blog in January 2015 and at the time it got a huge response from many followers who identified with my own health journey. Recently we've been getting a huge number of emails from men and women deeply unhappy with how they look and looking to transform their own health. I wanted to share it again in the hope it might be helpful.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Sensible Supplementation

14th January 2015

Bee Pollen, B12 sprays, activated charcoal, probiotic chocolate....there's a new supplement or superfood that we just cannot live without every month it seems! Do you ever start to question how mankind evolved before wheat grass shots were invented? With so much information available it is easy to become confused so we've put together a basic guide to nutritional supplements which will hopefully provide you with a great starting place to assess your needs. Of course this is in addition to good nutrition, daily exercise, adequate sleep and stress management.

Matt’s Five Fat Loss Tips For Men

7th January 2015

Fellas, are you ready to switch to beast mode in 2015? Then check out these training, nutrition and lifestyle knowledge bombs, all designed to help you lose body fat, build muscle and feel awesome. There is so much information out there these days that it can be a struggle knowing where to begin. Here are my top 5 tips for blokes that you can implement from TODAY to start getting the right results.

Your January Detox: Beyond Green Smoothies

29th December 2014

After a week of turkey and stuffing (our faces) many of us are now turning our heads to the New Year and debating how to undo the Christmas excess.What should an effective New Year detox consist of exactly? How can you ensure that it  really does what it says on the tin, bottle, packet or shake? Check out our guide to choosing your New Year detox to make sure it works for you and brings long lasting results.

The In Denial Diet: A Sure Fire Fat Loss Fail

28th October 2014

Do you ever feel like your efforts to be healthy aren’t bringing the expected fat loss results Perhaps you’ve fallen into the trap of the 'In Denial Diet' and are continuing with  underlying behaviour which is significantly hindering your progress. Take a moment to read some of the typical traits below and see if they ring any familiar bells...

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