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Empowered Menopause Hub

£149.00 £59.00

Get the essential perimenopause and menopause tools and advice you need to take back control of your health

Join the Empowered Menopause Hub and find everything you need to thrive during menopause in one dedicated place!


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information out there and how much money you’re spending on menopause symptoms?

Have you wasted hours searching ‘Dr Google’ for solutions to your low mood, weight gain, and fatigue?

Are you spending a small fortune on menopause supplements only to feel no different?

Author and Nutritionist Keris Marsden, plus the medical professionals she trusts have collated a dedicated online platform with all the essential information you need to thrive during every phase of menopause.

The Empowered Menopause Hub contains an easy-to-follow 8 week course packed with the essential advice and guidance you need to thrive through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond.

Em Men Hub