blood sugar

5 Signs Your Man Food Needs a Makeover!

24th August 2016

I've had the opportunity to work with several blokes and I'm currently living with a rather large eating machine of a man (Matt!) so I’ve been afforded a great insight into how guys approach nutrition. One of the key things I'm always keen to coach guys about is how to recognise the signs their nutrition and lifestyle is working against their efforts in the gym and therefore hindering progress towards their performance or body composition goals. Here are the 5 signs your man food needs a makeover...

3 Steps To Shift Stubborn Stomach Fat

27th July 2015

We receive lots of emails about fat around the middle and how to blitz the old belly into shape. In some people a quick tidy up of their nutrition and they melt the muffin top away, discovering abs for the first time in years! For others it can be a case of identifying a few health issues which are actively exacerbating the situation and fuelling fat storage around the middle first...

Five Fat Loss Supplements

21st January 2015

Over the last few weeks we've been detailing all of the essentials you need in place to support optimal health and fat loss. This includes sound nutrition, daily exercise, stress management and soooo much sleep! We have already discussed supplements in detail but if fat loss is your main focus it might be wise to consider some of the following also. The science suggests they have the potential to support our body's biological mechanisms, responsible for achieving and maintaining a healthy body composition.

Post Exercise Carbohydrates: A Case for the Fitter Flapjack

19th November 2014

Although many of us have become a little 'carb-phobic' these days it's important to remember that in healthy quantities carbohydrates (including glucose and fructose) can be processed effectively by our body, either used for energy or stored in our muscles and liver as glycogen. For this reason one of the best times to consume carbohydrates is following exercise, when our need to replenish glycogen stores is greater.  

Fitter Food: A Beginners Guide

23rd October 2014

After years of eating cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and pasta for dinner we totally understand why the thought of ditching these for good might seem daunting, or even impossible. In a busy world where convenience often overrides health as a priority and ready meals have become the norm, the notion of sourcing and cooking all of your own food might just send you over the edge! With that in mind we’re offering you a few ideas on where to start your Fitter Food transition and develop healthy habits that ensure eating awesome, nourishing nutrition is effortless.

Basic Guide to Carbohydrates

1st October 2014

We're all a bit carb obsessed lately what with the influx of low carb, controlled carb, carb cycling diets that have dominated the nutrition and health scene.  Before you jump on the latest carb wagon it's wise to take some time to learn about carbohydrates as a group of macronutrients and how they are processed by our body.  This will help you determine your needs and possibly the food choices you subsequently make regarding carbohydrates. Here at Fitter Food we have simplified the science to help you out.

Testing Hormone Health: Blood Sugar Balance

17th September 2014

A frequent question we receive about carbohydrate intake is; "what types of carbohydrates are healthy and how many should I be eating?"  Most people are aware now that one of the keys to optimal health involves supporting healthy blood sugar levels  so the answer to the question really involves establishing your individual carbohydrate tolerance.  Essentially; how many carbohydrates can you eat without elevating blood sugar excessively?  A glucose monitor is a great tool you can use to figure this out and here we explain how. 

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