
Post Exercise Carbohydrates: A Case for the Fitter Flapjack

19th November 2014

Although many of us have become a little 'carb-phobic' these days it's important to remember that in healthy quantities carbohydrates (including glucose and fructose) can be processed effectively by our body, either used for energy or stored in our muscles and liver as glycogen. For this reason one of the best times to consume carbohydrates is following exercise, when our need to replenish glycogen stores is greater.  

10 Stress Busting Nutrition Tips

12th November 2014

Armed with the latest knowledge, this weeks blog offers some guidance on the nutritional changes you can implement (alongside some key stress management measures) to help support your body and mind against the negative effects of stress that many of us experience on a daily basis.

The In Denial Diet: A Sure Fire Fat Loss Fail

28th October 2014

Do you ever feel like your efforts to be healthy aren’t bringing the expected fat loss results Perhaps you’ve fallen into the trap of the 'In Denial Diet' and are continuing with  underlying behaviour which is significantly hindering your progress. Take a moment to read some of the typical traits below and see if they ring any familiar bells...

Fruit & Fat Loss

23rd September 2014

When it comes to fruit we tend to observe polar opposite approaches, either people are chomping down several servings and downing pints of orange juice to get their daily vitamin C fix or they’re avoiding it like the plague as someone informed them “fruit makes you fat!”  So what is the score with fruit? 

Post Holiday Health Reboot: Fat Loss in 42

25th August 2014

We’re incredibly excited to announce our post summer Fat Loss in 42 Plan launches on 22 September; after a few months indulging in ice cream, al fresco vino's and a few too many bowls of chips this could be exactly what you need! This plan goes beyond just telling you what to eat and how to train, it offers a full educational programme packed with information about nutrition and lifestyle choices that bring out the best in you! 

Are You Paleo or Faileo?

4th August 2014

Paleo was the most googled diet of 2013 and is finally hitting the mainstream, competing with the 5:2 and kicking Dukan to the curb.  You would think most people in the health industry would be pretty pleased about the growing popularity of paleo. However, sadly the coverage has meant some of its key principles are being lost in translation and other aspects are rather exaggerated, leaving many adopters confused about the principles, without the desired results or even worse; noticing a decline in their health. 

The Fitter Food Solution

2nd April 2014

So mainstream media is catching onto the Paleo approach, especially when it comes to that all important, ever present goal of fat loss.  In 2013, Paleo was the most googled diet and this week clinical studies have announced - “Caveman diet twice as effective as modern diets when trying to lose weight”

Women and Weighty Issues

4th March 2013

As the fitness industry is slowly merging with the health/medical profession, trainers are being referred to as the ‘doctors of the future’… I wouldn’t go that far (can you imagine handing Matt a stool sample?)  The industry is now launching courses on stress, adrenal health, digestion and what really fascinates me; a course entitled “Women’s Issues.”  So what are these women's issues?

Fitter Chef says “Cook fat the right way!”

1st September 2012

Not all fats are the same, make sure you know and understand your fats and how to include them in a healthy diet.  Heating and cooking with fats also changes their chemical structure, so make sure you understand how to use different fats to maximise their health benfits.

Five Fat Loss Mistakes People ALWAYS Make!

9th October 2011

Ok so your waist is spilling over your jeans and you decide to reign in the booze and takeaways, hit the gym five times a week and only eat green things for the next two weeks!! If you are sporting some wobbly bits make sure you don't make the common mistakes everyone else does.

Hearty Winter Warmer Recipes

6th October 2011

Winter is here and it's time to get some hearty grub down you.  Check out our tasty winter warmers.

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