fitter food

Treat Yourself To Some DIY Nutritional Therapy

16th January 2016

I recently posted in our membership site Fitter 365 about the importance of individuality when it comes to your nutrition and training. We can all be guilty at times of constantly comparing ourselves; our physique, our training achievements, the 'cleanness' of our eating regimes, the number of steps we've taken and it can all get a bit out of hand. Changes you once felt proud of suddenly don’t seem enough and you’re racked with guilt about not putting in enough time, effort and energy. You need to try harder!

Man Up In The Kitchen To Trim Down

6th January 2016

Most of us are turning to fat loss goals this week. As we lead such busy lifestyles it can be a challenge fitting work, training, family responsibilities, etc into one day! However, the one thing you should NOT skimp on is your nutrition. In fact the worst thing you can do is start reaching for convenient, processed foods. To hit your 2016 fat loss and health goals you just need to get a bit smarter and more organised with your food preparation. These top ten tips will have you whipping up tasty and nutritious meals for you and the family in no time.

A FITTER Approach To Fat Loss

4th January 2016

It’s that time of year again when many of us renew our resolutions for the year. The easy thing to do here (and most common in our experience) is to come up with a fat loss goal; drop a dress size, get a six pack, fit into my skinny jeans again, blah blah. We always aim to steer people away from these goals as they're based upon a negative relationship with your body for a start, plus it’s no fun weighing and measuring your food and your waistline day in day out. In fact the harder people pursue this goal the more likely they are to fail at it.

5 Tips To Avoid The Festive Flab

16th December 2015

Probably one of the most popular questions we come across this time of year is how to have your Xmas cake and eat it without piling on the pounds. This is completely understandable as there's so much more temptation around the festive period, a greater desire to let your hair down, not to mentioned some added stressors to cope with as we tackle the xmas shopping in the gloomy, wet weather etc, etc.  One thing to emphasis here is that we are just like you. We have a few more treats than we usually do around December, crave comfort foods with the darker mornings and shorter days and it is Christmas after all!

5 Steps to Fire Up Your Metabolism

6th December 2015

If you have followed Fitter Food for some time now you'll know that we’ve been going on for years about the essentials of fat loss which include eating nutritious food, moving daily, exercising a few times a week, sleeping soundly and managing stress. All of these support optimal hormone health and the body's natural mechanisms for healthy weight management. Everyone needs to master the basics before they progress to more advanced protocols. However, we also acknowledge that some people's bodies need an extra nudge to get results or maybe your fat loss has stalled a little. The following are just a few simple steps you can implement that can kick your metabolism into action.

Boot Out The Winter Blues

28th November 2015

We receive a lot of emails about how to lift your mood in the winter months when it all gets a bit dark and damp. It's incredibly common to experience a dip in mood health in the midst of winter as the miserable weather deprives us of sunshine and time outdoors. There are lots of things you can do from a nutrition and lifestyle perspective to keep levels of feel good brain chemicals topped up and protect yourself against any nutrient deficiencies that might kick in during the winter months.

Tales From The Gym Floor: Change Your MIND To Get Results

29th September 2015

See what I did there? This post is all about the power of the mind in achieving your goals? Sometimes you can really surprise yourself, which is exactly what happened to me in the gym the other day and it’s had a hugely positive impact on my training and my self belief, so I thought I'd share with you guys and hope it inspires you to harness the power of mindset across your goals. 

Never Happy With Your Body?

27th September 2015

So we’ve noticed a trend with our blogs, when we put “fat loss,”“hormones” or “10 minutes” in the title we get lots of hits, however, when we write about body acceptance and confidence this advice gets the most shares. It made me feel a little sad as it suggests a lot of people are unhappy with their body and searching for ways to lose weight but ultimately just want to like themselves a little more. They also have ten minutes max to do this it seems! I’ve been through a similar journey and thought I would share some tips and advice that have helped me along the way.

A Day In The Life Of Matt’s Plate

16th September 2015

I have to say, I feel a bit weird writing this, as I'm dedicating a whole blog to just talking about myself and food. Okay, who am I kidding, I love talking about myself and food! A few people have been in contact after Keris wrote a similar blog and asked me to divulge what a typical day of eating and training looks like, so I figured it was about time I shared the love. I'll also explain why I make these choices, many of which are based on information I have gathered over a number of years. I hope you can gain some value from it and use it to reflect upon your own nutrition.

5 Daily Habits To Transform Hormone Health

13th September 2015

Hormone health is frequently talked about across the health and fitness industry. It's certainly significant and we do a lot to educate people about how hormones work and how they may impact upon your health goals. However, I frequently see people fly off immediately to get tests done, buy expensive supplements and start posting in Facebook groups for help as a first point of call.

No Time To Train? No Problem!

9th September 2015

If you follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter you may have noticed we've been posting lots of 10 minute workout ideas. Some use only bodyweight exercises, some use kettlebells and others dumbbells or barbells, however they all have one thing in common. They last no more than 10 minutes and for good reason!

Beating Binge Eating

3rd August 2015

We’ve received several requests to provide some advice on disordered eating habits, most notably binge easting disorders and comfort eating. One issue in discussing this highly subjective topics is establishing if you have an actual disorder, or just tend to overeat due to a lack of appetite control and cravings. In many way most of the information and guidance offered here supports most disordered eating habits and emotional eating patterns.

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