healthy lifestyle

DON’T Buy This on Black Friday

26th November 2024

So Black Friday is fast approaching. This year, I want you to pause and think carefully for a moment. In 2023 Black Friday online sales grew to 70.9 billion globally. Can you remember what you bought?  Where are those Black Friday…

Make Time For Things You Love Instead of Things You Should

7th January 2022

I talked on Instagram last week about making emotionalutions rather than resolutions this year. Yes, it is a word! 🤣 In 2022 Matt and I are focusing on small things we can do that support our emotional state, so that we see positive changes in our overall health.

Fitter Food Radio #156 – Coronavirus Revisited

16th October 2020

With the news this week that parts of the UK are back in lockdown due to a surge in COVID-19 cases we wanted to devote the podcast to tips and strategies that would help in the face of this crisis.

Fitter Food Radio #154 – Being Busy and Staying Healthy

25th September 2020

In this episode, Keris and Matt discuss how to implement positive change during busier and more stressful times. There is nothing wrong with being busy BUT it can’t be at the detriment of your health. Listen below or search ‘Fitter…

TWO Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

12th November 2018

I have TWO important questions for you. A fundamental part of your health revolves around the relationships in your life. Those you spend the most time with are of course some of the most important. Now that science has established the links between your nervous, immune and hormone systems it's clear that how you feel changes your biology, relationships significantly alter your dominant emotions and therefore your health.

Chasing Squirrel’s and Four Lessons in Fat Loss

12th November 2018

I love a good analogy and this one is pure gold, based on a true story too. There is nothing Hamish loves more than a good squirrel hunt, but for a long time he never came close to catching one, however, the other morning he did something which amazed me. Bizarrely, it also got me thinking about how people often approach to fat loss…. bear with.

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