low carb

5 Steps To Find The Best Diet For You

16th October 2018

It never ceases to amaze me how much time and consideration people invest in choosing a car or mobile phone. At the point of purchase, you know EXACTLY what you need in terms of speed, space, cost, functionality, brand, colour and can describe the whole specification effortlessly.

5 Reasons Women Struggle To Lose Weight

29th August 2016

In my last blog I discussed how men tend to approach nutrition and whilst they have their “commandments” and attachments to condiments they’re generally speaking a little more laid back about the role nutrition plays in their health. Us ladies on the other hand are pro’s at making this a full time business alongside other demanding roles in our lives, like having a career, being a mother, sister, friend, etc. I’ve been totally guilty of this myself in the past, if you bring on the detail I will over analyse, overwhelm, over Google and overthink all of it!

5 Signs Your Man Food Needs a Makeover!

24th August 2016

I've had the opportunity to work with several blokes and I'm currently living with a rather large eating machine of a man (Matt!) so I’ve been afforded a great insight into how guys approach nutrition. One of the key things I'm always keen to coach guys about is how to recognise the signs their nutrition and lifestyle is working against their efforts in the gym and therefore hindering progress towards their performance or body composition goals. Here are the 5 signs your man food needs a makeover...

Conquer Your Carb Phobia: Our Top 5 Tips

6th May 2016

Most people interested in health and fitness right now have their own journey with macronutrients. Paleo and the Atkins revolution opened up our eyes to the notion that perhaps fat wasn't the enemy after all but rather carbs including  bread, rice, pasta and potatoes were causing our waistlines to expand and spill over our jeans in true muffin top style. Of course this is a hugely simplified version of events and it's clear that the goal with any macros is simply finding your sweet spot. However, gaining back your confidence eating carbs again after a low carb diet can be tricky business and is often fraught with fears of weight gain.

Fitter Guide To Baking Part 3: Pimp The Bake

31st August 2015

In the final blog of our baking series I’m covering how to 'pimp your baking' and some add extra nutrients. This could be anything from vegetables in your cookies or cakes, antioxidants in your puddings and pies or adapting recipes to help them fit your macronutrient needs. Once you have experimented with alternative flours and different healthy sweeteners, the icing on your bake is to add some nutrient dense foods like spices, cocoa and coffee to make your recipe comply with your own personal nutrition needs. Here are three simple steps to pimping your bake:

Fitter Guide To Baking Part 1: Flour

17th August 2015

The Great British Bake Off is back and we have already witnessed the black forest gateaux disaster, drooled over Mary’s frosted walnut layer cake and then got uber excited when we remembered how awesome it is to dunk biscotti in your cappuccino. Have you tried our BOSH Biscotti yet?

Clean Eating Vs Cheating

25th June 2015

I’ve never been very good at 100% so I no longer endeavor to achieve it when it comes to nutrition and health, I just make the right decisions the majority of the time and don’t go crazy or feel guilty when I don’t. In the past I’ve followed strict elimination diets, partly to understand the experience and benefits they have to offer and partly to help fix up my gut or maybe ditch a developing reliance on something, usually caffeine.

10 Stress Busting Nutrition Tips

12th November 2014

Armed with the latest knowledge, this weeks blog offers some guidance on the nutritional changes you can implement (alongside some key stress management measures) to help support your body and mind against the negative effects of stress that many of us experience on a daily basis.

Basic Guide to Carbohydrates

1st October 2014

We're all a bit carb obsessed lately what with the influx of low carb, controlled carb, carb cycling diets that have dominated the nutrition and health scene.  Before you jump on the latest carb wagon it's wise to take some time to learn about carbohydrates as a group of macronutrients and how they are processed by our body.  This will help you determine your needs and possibly the food choices you subsequently make regarding carbohydrates. Here at Fitter Food we have simplified the science to help you out.

Post Holiday Health Reboot: Fat Loss in 42

25th August 2014

We’re incredibly excited to announce our post summer Fat Loss in 42 Plan launches on 22 September; after a few months indulging in ice cream, al fresco vino's and a few too many bowls of chips this could be exactly what you need! This plan goes beyond just telling you what to eat and how to train, it offers a full educational programme packed with information about nutrition and lifestyle choices that bring out the best in you! 

Hearty Winter Warmer Recipes

6th October 2011

Winter is here and it's time to get some hearty grub down you.  Check out our tasty winter warmers.

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