
A Step-By-Step Guide To Sensible Supplementation

14th January 2015

Bee Pollen, B12 sprays, activated charcoal, probiotic chocolate....there's a new supplement or superfood that we just cannot live without every month it seems! Do you ever start to question how mankind evolved before wheat grass shots were invented? With so much information available it is easy to become confused so we've put together a basic guide to nutritional supplements which will hopefully provide you with a great starting place to assess your needs. Of course this is in addition to good nutrition, daily exercise, adequate sleep and stress management.

Keris’s Five Fat Loss Tips For Women

7th January 2015

For many of us ladies it's that dreaded week where the jeans are feeling tighter and our energy levels are below par after a month of late nights and a little extra everything. Whilst here at Fitter Food we emphasise health as our main priority, many people are looking for fat loss advice specifically. So as a man/woman team we've got lots of experience in adapting our principles to suit the fat loss goals of men and women. Here are a few tips for the ladies to focus on when setting a fat loss goal. 

Your January Detox: Beyond Green Smoothies

29th December 2014

After a week of turkey and stuffing (our faces) many of us are now turning our heads to the New Year and debating how to undo the Christmas excess.What should an effective New Year detox consist of exactly? How can you ensure that it  really does what it says on the tin, bottle, packet or shake? Check out our guide to choosing your New Year detox to make sure it works for you and brings long lasting results.

Hulk Soup

29th December 2014

It’s big, it’s green and it packs a punch! This soup is perfect for the cold, frosty weather and is packed full of immune boosting nutrients to make you invincible this winter. This is a batch cooked recipe so perfect…

35 Minutes

5 Tips To a Better Squat

3rd December 2014

Squats: you know what they are, you know how great they are for strength, muscle gain, fat loss and all round awesomeness but are you training squats to their full potential? 

BOSH Brownies

12th November 2014

These awesome brownies are quick, easy and indulgent. We cut them into ‘bite-size’ squares, this way they last a little longer and you can enjoy them for a few days. We also used our Nutribullet to whizz up the batter,…

30-38 Minutes

Booze: Do Calories Count?

5th November 2014

With the Government proposing nutritional labelling for alcoholic drinks we ask whether it will bring about the desired effect or simply drive the calorie counting craze further in the wrong direction.

Fruit & Fat Loss

23rd September 2014

When it comes to fruit we tend to observe polar opposite approaches, either people are chomping down several servings and downing pints of orange juice to get their daily vitamin C fix or they’re avoiding it like the plague as someone informed them “fruit makes you fat!”  So what is the score with fruit? 

Get outside and See What’s Around The Corner….

3rd September 2014

We've just returned from a weekend in Glasgow where we were presenting and exhibiting at the Scottish Fitness & Nutrition Expo. In total we were in sunny Scotland for 5 days and as much as we would have liked to have taken along our awesome dog Hamish, sadly no dogs were allowed at the Expo meaning we'd have to leave him behind. Fortunately for us, Matt's Mum stepped in as dog sitter for the week. During this time she had a sudden realisation about the wonders of walking which has inspired this post.

Post Holiday Health Reboot: Fat Loss in 42

25th August 2014

We’re incredibly excited to announce our post summer Fat Loss in 42 Plan launches on 22 September; after a few months indulging in ice cream, al fresco vino's and a few too many bowls of chips this could be exactly what you need! This plan goes beyond just telling you what to eat and how to train, it offers a full educational programme packed with information about nutrition and lifestyle choices that bring out the best in you! 

‘Consciously Uncoupled’ Over Kale

19th August 2014

So apparently Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin 'consciously uncoupled' over a green smoothie. Wow we knew kale was pretty powerful stuff but making or breaking a marriage, that's heavy!  Before you ditch the spirulina for a Big Mac in a bid to improve your chances of a successful relationship please hear out our case for how being healthy is actually totally awesome, exciting and anything but a reason to uncouple anyone. 

Depression: Nutrition And Natural Measures

13th August 2014

This week the world was deeply saddened by the loss of another talented and inspirational individual. When we contemplate the life of Robin Williams many will remember him as a character in one of their favourite films - often hilarious and outrageous. We likely imagined his successful Hollywood career was accompanied by a life filled with laughter, fun, adventure and happiness.

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