
Fitter Chef says “Cook fat the right way!”

1st September 2012

Not all fats are the same, make sure you know and understand your fats and how to include them in a healthy diet.  Heating and cooking with fats also changes their chemical structure, so make sure you understand how to use different fats to maximise their health benfits.

Fitter Flexibility – Challenge Your Body

1st October 2011

Fitter London is now offering Dynamic Vinyasa Power Yoga,  an energetic and challenging form of yoga with flowing movement.  It improves strength, flexibility, balance and alignment.

Cracking Coconut Cake

28th September 2011

Did you know during the French Revolution when they ran out of flour for bread Marie Antoinette said “Qu'ils mangent de la brioche” (let them eat cake!) what a great lady, she knew about coconut cake all along!

Time to Ditch Deodorant and Get Sweaty

27th September 2011

Did you know women diagnosed with breast cancer are informed not to used deodorant?  The reason behind this is the aluminium content of deodorant which has been strongly linked to cancer.  Find out how you can test the levels of aluminium and other toxic metals within your body.

Want to burn fat, get strong, have superior energy levels?

7th September 2011

All the time we hear the following excuses "I can't eat well, I just don't have the time, I work late so don't get chance to prepare meals....blah blah blah blah!   There is a simple solution to this, cook more food!  

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