
Getting to Grips With Your Hormone Health

12th February 2018

Weight gain, hot flushes, water retention, bloating, mood crashes, poor memory, brain fog, breast pain, acne… the list goes on and it’s a familiar list to most women. Have you ever suffered with any of these symptoms?

Treat Yourself To Some DIY Nutritional Therapy

16th January 2016

I recently posted in our membership site Fitter 365 about the importance of individuality when it comes to your nutrition and training. We can all be guilty at times of constantly comparing ourselves; our physique, our training achievements, the 'cleanness' of our eating regimes, the number of steps we've taken and it can all get a bit out of hand. Changes you once felt proud of suddenly don’t seem enough and you’re racked with guilt about not putting in enough time, effort and energy. You need to try harder!

Fitter Food: A Beginners Guide

23rd October 2014

After years of eating cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and pasta for dinner we totally understand why the thought of ditching these for good might seem daunting, or even impossible. In a busy world where convenience often overrides health as a priority and ready meals have become the norm, the notion of sourcing and cooking all of your own food might just send you over the edge! With that in mind we’re offering you a few ideas on where to start your Fitter Food transition and develop healthy habits that ensure eating awesome, nourishing nutrition is effortless.

Get Your Daily Dose

5th October 2011

Check out our quick guide to getting your daily dose of essential  nutrients.

Dental Health Beyond Brushing Your Teeth

2nd February 2024

  Do you look after your teeth? I mean beyond brushing them and whitening treatments? You should. Your mouth is a pathway to your bloodstream. Think about it… …drugs can be delivered sublingually under the tongue…

Is Dairy Harming Your Hormones?

1st August 2021

I often get asked if there’s a particular diet to treat hormone issues. Common ones include PCOS, endometriosis, PMS/PMT, perimenopause, and menopause.

Lockdown Hormones Be Like 😡😫😥😀

25th January 2021

Many clients have reached out to me through each Lockdown experiencing hormone issues. Since being a teenager I’ve struggled with my own and experienced first hand how they impact your digestion, mood and skin too. Your hormones are cyclical and responsive. For…

10 Do’s and Don’t’s of Lockdown 3.0

18th January 2021

There is no denying these are difficult times, so here are 10 do’s and don’t’s to ensure you emerge from Lockdown 3.0 mentally and physically stronger. Do Not:  Repeat behaviors and habits from lockdown 1 and 2 that didn’t serve…

5 Essentials for Lockdown 3.0

8th January 2021

January is going to be a challenge for everyone. The irony with Covid-19 is that robust metabolic and immune health is imperative to minimise the risk of having a severe infection. Yet the stress and anxiety surrounding the situation…

Crunchy Peanut Butter Ice Cream

20th July 2020

The sun is shining and the Fitter Icecream parlour is back open! Our latest concoction is this deliciously crunchy peanut butter icecream. It’s easy to make this dairy-free, just use whatever milk you prefer! For even more dairy-free dessert inspo…

5-6 Minutes

Nutritional Support For Immune Health

21st March 2020

We've updated this blog following the rapid spread of Corona Virus to help you prioritise nutrients and lifestyle habits that support your body's own natural defence systems. Your immune system works 24/7 so ideally a nutritious diet, sufficient sleep and exercise are present on a regular basis as these are fundamental in providing the resources and energy your immune system requires to fulfil it's daily task list.

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