Fat Loss

5 Lessons From Dubai about Health, Happiness & Fat Loss

6th October 2015

As you may or may not know, we've recently been in Dubai spreading the Fitter Food message with the help of Talise Fitness. Alongside some training sessions we've been coaching the folks over there about gut health, sleep, stress and hormone optimisation. A truly amazing bunch of people showed up and we had an awesome time chatting with them all about their health journeys. When I travel and have new experiences I am often reminded about some key factors that support optimal health, nothing revolutionary necessarily but rather gentle reminders of things that make me smile and enhance my health. I thought I'd share them with you all in this weeks blog.

Tales From The Gym Floor: Change Your MIND To Get Results

29th September 2015

See what I did there? This post is all about the power of the mind in achieving your goals? Sometimes you can really surprise yourself, which is exactly what happened to me in the gym the other day and it’s had a hugely positive impact on my training and my self belief, so I thought I'd share with you guys and hope it inspires you to harness the power of mindset across your goals. 

Never Happy With Your Body?

27th September 2015

So we’ve noticed a trend with our blogs, when we put “fat loss,”“hormones” or “10 minutes” in the title we get lots of hits, however, when we write about body acceptance and confidence this advice gets the most shares. It made me feel a little sad as it suggests a lot of people are unhappy with their body and searching for ways to lose weight but ultimately just want to like themselves a little more. They also have ten minutes max to do this it seems! I’ve been through a similar journey and thought I would share some tips and advice that have helped me along the way.

A Day In The Life Of Matt’s Plate

16th September 2015

I have to say, I feel a bit weird writing this, as I'm dedicating a whole blog to just talking about myself and food. Okay, who am I kidding, I love talking about myself and food! A few people have been in contact after Keris wrote a similar blog and asked me to divulge what a typical day of eating and training looks like, so I figured it was about time I shared the love. I'll also explain why I make these choices, many of which are based on information I have gathered over a number of years. I hope you can gain some value from it and use it to reflect upon your own nutrition.

Stop Wasting Time On Fat Loss

7th September 2015

Whenever I ask clients or Fitter Foodies about their top goals, you can guarantee fat loss figures somewhere in the list. For many people it's their No.1 goal, whilst others might speak of health priorities like "fix my bloating" or "improve energy levels" but there is always an added "oh and lose a few pounds" somewhere in the conversation too. The problem with these fat loss goals is you're almost doomed to fail from the start! Here's why!

Turn Fat Loss Problems Into Solutions

26th August 2015

We've all heard this great  saying: “don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions!” but the truth is people often feel so paralysed by the problems they are blind to the many solutions available to get back on track or resolve the issue.

Nailing the Basics: 5 Top Tips

29th July 2015

I was inspired to write this post after I made the below point on my Facebook profile a couple of weeks back and it got a great response, including a good bit of discussion which is always nice.

3 Steps To Shift Stubborn Stomach Fat

27th July 2015

We receive lots of emails about fat around the middle and how to blitz the old belly into shape. In some people a quick tidy up of their nutrition and they melt the muffin top away, discovering abs for the first time in years! For others it can be a case of identifying a few health issues which are actively exacerbating the situation and fuelling fat storage around the middle first...

The Fastest Route To Fat Loss

15th July 2015

Fat loss, fat loss, fat loss. Probably the answer to so many peoples question when you ask “what is your health goal”. Well that’s cool because losing body weight can be a good thing, especially if you have excess body fat to lose and you want to look and feel better. However, here's why the fastest route to fat loss isn't always the best route.

Love Your Legs In Six Easy Steps

13th July 2015

Lately my newsfeed keeps me telling to “Get Lean Legs!” and offering the promise of super slim thighs in six weeks. Can I be honest? It all makes me sigh a little. Don't get me wrong, I’m actually quite a fan of the 'bro-science' and articles out there about reducing lower body fat. Particularly because a lot of the information is based upon supporting optimal hormone balance and detoxification, which can only be a good thing no matter what you’re health goal is. However, they’re often lacking a little feminine perspective for my liking!

The Beach Body Back Lash

6th May 2015

Whilst Protein World may be enjoying a temporary surge in media attention following the protests against their "Are you Beach Body Ready?" campaign, we can't help but think the entire debacle highlights just how much the health and fitness industry has really lost its way. Currently we have a national obesity crisis going on, you have a 1 in 2 chance of developing cancer and 224 people die each day from heart disease, yet half the world is still discussing the blonde in the bikini?!

5 Reasons to Attend the Fitter Food Academy

9th April 2015

Meeting Fitter Foodies at events like our Fitter Food Academy is one of the highlights of our year. If you've never attended one of our 1-day conferences before then here are 5 great reasons to grab yourself a ticket! 

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