
Front Crawling to Beat Brain Fog

22nd June 2023

Since having Covid I’ve not been able to exercise like I used to. I have to be mindful of the intensity and muscular tension. This is doubly frustrating as my symptoms really impact my ability to concentrate. I feel like…

Fitter Food Radio #162 – Let’s Be Having You 2021

17th January 2021

This week on the podcast we take a look back at the lessons learnt from 2020 and how we can carry them through to make positive changes in 2021. Listen below or search ‘Fitter Food Radio’ on your preferred podcast…

5 Essentials for Lockdown 3.0

8th January 2021

January is going to be a challenge for everyone. The irony with Covid-19 is that robust metabolic and immune health is imperative to minimise the risk of having a severe infection. Yet the stress and anxiety surrounding the situation…

Fitter Food Radio #160 – Lessons From the Industry (Part 1)

18th December 2020

Keris and Matt have worked in health and fitness for over 20 years.  Today on the podcast they discuss some important lessons and takeaways from their personal professional development and first-hand experience working with clients on health goals. Listen…

Fitter Food Radio #141 – Emotional Over-Identification

1st March 2020

This week on Fitter Food Radio, Keris and Matt discuss issues that can arise from emotional over-identification, and how caring excessively or empathising with the feelings of others can have a negative impact on your health.

A Fitter Food Good Gut Guide

22nd February 2020

A little wind or the occasional burp every now and then is a natural sign there's some digestive activity going on inside, however, excessive occurrence of these bodily functions may be a sign that's somethings up with your gut.

Let’s Talk About Stress

5th February 2019

Stress is a regular occurrence in life, you can't avoid it and neither should you necessarily always try to, however, you must absolutely control how it impacts your health. Last week I had a deep and meaningful chat with my parents. We were discussing the amount of things they take on in life including renovation projects, travelling, looking after family, etc. Whilst they love doing these things and I wouldn’t want them to stop it’s vital they observe the impact these activities may have on their health.

TWO Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

12th November 2018

I have TWO important questions for you. A fundamental part of your health revolves around the relationships in your life. Those you spend the most time with are of course some of the most important. Now that science has established the links between your nervous, immune and hormone systems it's clear that how you feel changes your biology, relationships significantly alter your dominant emotions and therefore your health.

Chasing Squirrel’s and Four Lessons in Fat Loss

12th November 2018

I love a good analogy and this one is pure gold, based on a true story too. There is nothing Hamish loves more than a good squirrel hunt, but for a long time he never came close to catching one, however, the other morning he did something which amazed me. Bizarrely, it also got me thinking about how people often approach to fat loss…. bear with.

Quick Immune Interventions

4th September 2018

A couple of two weeks ago I woke up with that razor blade feeling in my throat. Not wishing to be a wimp I powered on with my day but skipped the morning run you’ll be pleased to hear. Over the following few days, I woke up feeling the same but I had some work commitments I had to fulfil so I kept showing up thinking I’d shake off this bug. However, I didn’t so eventually decided to give my immune system the support it required to help it deal with situation and get me back to normal.

Two Things Love Island Taught Me

29th June 2018

In the last three days I’ve received a couple of emails from industry folk rolling their eyes about Love Island. Meanwhile I have a confession, I love Love Island. I’m late to the party and currently working my way through previous series on Netflix. I dived in out of curiosity to see what the fuss was about and 35 hours later I got it.

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