Matt Whitmore

Fitter Food Radio #184 – 2023 Reflections

19th December 2023

In this episode Keris and Matt look back and reflect on a year in health and use the reflection to discuss the best approach for 2024. Please remember to rate, review and subscribe. Find out more about Strong60…

Fitter Food #173 – Talking Testosterone With Dr Tommy Wood

10th November 2021

This week on Fitter Food Radio our good friend Dr. Tommy Wood returns to chat about men’s health and testosterone. We discuss the best means of measuring testosterone, how nutrition and lifestyle can influence testosterone levels plus the…

Fitter Food Radio #162 – Let’s Be Having You 2021

17th January 2021

This week on the podcast we take a look back at the lessons learnt from 2020 and how we can carry them through to make positive changes in 2021. Listen below or search ‘Fitter Food Radio’ on your preferred podcast…

6 Tips To Prevent Injury Weight Gain And Speed Up Recovery

15th March 2020

If I had a quid for every time I heard this ... “I gained xx amount of weight because I couldn’t train after getting injured” I would have quite a lot of quids lol! The reality is injuries do happen but you need to be able to deal with them in the best way possible, minimise weight gain and focus on supporting your recovery.

No Time To Train? No Problem!

9th September 2015

If you follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter you may have noticed we've been posting lots of 10 minute workout ideas. Some use only bodyweight exercises, some use kettlebells and others dumbbells or barbells, however they all have one thing in common. They last no more than 10 minutes and for good reason!

7 Ways To Improve Your Pull Up Training

24th February 2015

Ahh the good old pull up, an epic, old school exercise that needs bringing back with a vengeance. Not only are pull ups essential for building an awesome back, they are also a great measure of upper body strength. If you’re struggling to improve your reps, range or technique then check out our guide to perfecting your pull ups.

Two Things I Know… Post Workout Recovery

2nd February 2015

Welcome to the first instalment of my “Two things I know..” blog series. The idea here is to highlight two pieces of information you can easily take on board and implement within your weekly routine. With so much information out there it's easy to become overwhelmed and overthink change - this often leads to procrastination and ultimately nothing gets done! Well, not on my watch!

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