
This is Why You’re Not Getting Results

18th January 2022

Our environment and what we have going on around us has a huge impact on our mental health. Whether it is making sure your kitchen is clean and tidy before food prep, being around positive people who motivate and inspire you daily (as opposed to negative people who moan and put others down), or simply having access to fresh air and green space in our neighbourhood - our daily environment has a huge impact. So how does your immediate environment affect your fat loss results? More than you might think.

Let’s Talk About Stress

5th February 2019

Stress is a regular occurrence in life, you can't avoid it and neither should you necessarily always try to, however, you must absolutely control how it impacts your health. Last week I had a deep and meaningful chat with my parents. We were discussing the amount of things they take on in life including renovation projects, travelling, looking after family, etc. Whilst they love doing these things and I wouldn’t want them to stop it’s vital they observe the impact these activities may have on their health.

FITTER Festive Survival Guide

14th December 2017

We LOVE Christmas but it’s easy to get carried away with all the booze, biscuits and boxes of chocolates on offer around the clock. Whilst it’s great to indulge a little with friends and family and get stuck into the festivities you don’t want to end the year feeling miserable because you’ve gained weight, you’re knackered, bloated and your skin is suffering a breakout. All of this can put you in a negative mood and make you no good company to be around, not an ideal mindset to kick off 2018 .

Stuck In Health Rut? Three Steps To Freedom

9th November 2016

Stuck in a health rut? Typically this kind of rut involves a degree of excessiveness or poor choices regarding food, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, exercise, work, recreational drugs and even spending money. Often it's hard to change these habits because they're providing a source of happiness or distraction and at the same time creating a cycle of dependency by squashing the bodies natural sense of motivation and positivity.

3 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Body Fat

2nd February 2016

When working with clients who’s primary goal is to lose body fat we often discover that its not through lack of trying but more so because they become confused with the vast amount of information that is available out there. This says that and that says this. Well it can all get a bit mind boggling but I want to share 3 common reasons I feel most people are not achieving the fat loss results they desire and what you can do to change that shizzle.

Treat Yourself To Some DIY Nutritional Therapy

16th January 2016

I recently posted in our membership site Fitter 365 about the importance of individuality when it comes to your nutrition and training. We can all be guilty at times of constantly comparing ourselves; our physique, our training achievements, the 'cleanness' of our eating regimes, the number of steps we've taken and it can all get a bit out of hand. Changes you once felt proud of suddenly don’t seem enough and you’re racked with guilt about not putting in enough time, effort and energy. You need to try harder!

A FITTER Approach To Fat Loss

4th January 2016

It’s that time of year again when many of us renew our resolutions for the year. The easy thing to do here (and most common in our experience) is to come up with a fat loss goal; drop a dress size, get a six pack, fit into my skinny jeans again, blah blah. We always aim to steer people away from these goals as they're based upon a negative relationship with your body for a start, plus it’s no fun weighing and measuring your food and your waistline day in day out. In fact the harder people pursue this goal the more likely they are to fail at it.

Stop Wasting Time On Fat Loss

7th September 2015

Whenever I ask clients or Fitter Foodies about their top goals, you can guarantee fat loss figures somewhere in the list. For many people it's their No.1 goal, whilst others might speak of health priorities like "fix my bloating" or "improve energy levels" but there is always an added "oh and lose a few pounds" somewhere in the conversation too. The problem with these fat loss goals is you're almost doomed to fail from the start! Here's why!

4 ‘Stress Less’ Investments

4th August 2015

We often talk about the benefits of reducing stress in our lives. Whilst some acute stress is beneficial and needed from time-to-time (e.g. elevated cortisol is a must in the morning as it gets us out of bed ready to attack the day), these days stress is all around us. Too many people are suffering from chronic stress which increases fat storage, ruins our thyroid and negatively impacts our hormones, not to mention makes us feel pretty crappy. Oh and if you want to build muscle whilst excessively stressed, good luck!

5 Steps To Get Your Mojo Back

6th July 2015

There's something I want to share with you guys. Even though life may often look hunky dory for Matt and I, it’s actually been a bit of a rough year for us. Just like many of you we've had our fair share of personal and work related issues that have really impacted our outlook on life. At times it's felt like ‘one thing after another’ is going wrong and we've questioned our ability to cope. When lots of events beyond your control take place life can quickly became frightening and overwhelming.

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