
Fitter Food Radio

Fitter Food Radio #135 – Body Composition, Exercise & Honesty

1st December 2019

In this episode of Fitter Food Radio, we discuss the importance of making healthy changes, including body composition just for YOU and not the opinions of other people. We also discuss being honest with your partner, friends or family…

Expert Interview: Dr Tommy Wood

18th October 2015

This week we interview Dr. Tommy Wood, he's a strength and conditioning coach (so he lifts!), he's also a brainy fella; after studying medicine at Oxford University he went on to work as a doctor in central London for two years. He's now completing a PhD in Norway researching neonatal brain metabolism. Tommy is also the Chief Scientific Officer for the Physicians and Ancestral Health Society and lectures across the globe on nutrition, lifestyle and chronic diseases.

How To Burn More Calories In A Day

13th October 2015

People often ask what is the best exercise is for fat loss or what exercise burns the most calories. Whilst we all know there's so much more to health and fat loss, your gym sessions can still have a huge impact on your body composition if approached effectively. 

Expert Interview: Sarah Doyle – The Better Life Project

11th October 2015

Over the next few weeks I'm doing some expert interviews with some folks who have appeared on our Fitter Food Radio podcast and speak at Fitter Food events as they follow similar principles to Matt and I. We love collaborating with them as they have a similar passion for health and wellbeing that's infectious!

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