

How do you reward yourself?

9th November 2012

Hey folks, just a really quick post on reward. Many of us work hard both in the gym and at our jobs, we work long hours and at times experience high stress situations. All of which are a time where we can feel that a reward is deserved. Question is though how do you reward yourself?

There Is More To Rehab Than Exercise!

27th September 2012

Ever had an injury? Ever found it to be one of THE most frustrating things in the world? Most of us have been there! When it comes to an injury the thing I hear everyone talking about is rehab, rehab and more rehab, yet their focus when they use such a word tends to be on exercises they can do in order to rehabilitate the injury. Whilst this is hugely important, rehab in my opinion is a 5 pronged approach that includes 1. Exercise 2. Nutrition 3. Supplementation 4. Rest 5. Mindset. Agree? Then keep reading.

Healthy Choices I Made Today

26th September 2012

Throughout our day we're faced with several choices that affect our health.  Here's just a couple of decisions I made in one day that left me feeling great....

5 Tips to ensure you have an awesome weekend

14th September 2012

Just a really quick post guys to ensure you have a truly epic weekend and wake up on Monday morning feeling amazing. Here I have 5 tips I believe will set you up for not only a great weekend but an even better start to the week. Enjoy the read and of course have a great weekend.


10th September 2012

This post is designed to highlight a few things I believe every man should incorporate into their lifestyle in order to obtain awesome levels of strength, a strong mind and truly gangsta energy levels. Its not science, its not going to be full of lab results, its simply some straight talking points on how us men can make some simple changes for an awesome 2012 and beyond.

Fitter Chef says “Cook fat the right way!”

1st September 2012

Not all fats are the same, make sure you know and understand your fats and how to include them in a healthy diet.  Heating and cooking with fats also changes their chemical structure, so make sure you understand how to use different fats to maximise their health benfits.

Five Fat Loss Mistakes People ALWAYS Make!

9th October 2011

Ok so your waist is spilling over your jeans and you decide to reign in the booze and takeaways, hit the gym five times a week and only eat green things for the next two weeks!! If you are sporting some wobbly bits make sure you don't make the common mistakes everyone else does.

Hearty Winter Warmer Recipes

6th October 2011

Winter is here and it's time to get some hearty grub down you.  Check out our tasty winter warmers.

Get Your Daily Dose

5th October 2011

Check out our quick guide to getting your daily dose of essential  nutrients.

Want to burn fat, get strong, have superior energy levels?

7th September 2011

All the time we hear the following excuses "I can't eat well, I just don't have the time, I work late so don't get chance to prepare meals....blah blah blah blah!   There is a simple solution to this, cook more food!  

Confused about Olive Oil? Check Out Our Guide

3rd September 2011

Olive oil has long been renowned for it's health benefits and most people include it as part of a healthy diet but now there is virgin, extra virgin, light, pure.... and no one is ever sure which to buy.  That aside you can pay anything from 99p to £39.99!  So we thought we would give you the low down on which to buy and how to use it.

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