Today we want to give a huge shout out to our Fitter 365 member Vicki Agnew. If you picked up the latest copy of Women’s Running mag you may have seen her smiling face beaming back at you from the front cover, we want to share a bit about her pretty inspirational journey as we know others will relate to her story. Congratulations Vicki, you’re a real inspiration and we’re delighted to have you as a member. Over to Vicki..

“I was 37 years old, 5 months postpartum and looking through photos from our first holiday as a family to Portugal…then that’s when I saw the picture that made me want to change my life!! Holy moly!!! How did I get that size? When did that happen??
The photograph was one of me standing in the pool holding my little boy, and I was horrified. My eyes were immediately drawn to the size of my thighs, and then I noticed that I was covered up – I’d never gone in the pool covered up!? During my pregnancy I’d piled on over 3 stone (not including the weight of my massive baby of 11lb 2oz!!), I ate pretty badly and drank litres of ‘full fat’ Fanta. I genuinely didn’t know I’d got so big but that was it, the turning point that people talk about, the ‘rock bottom’.
I had been running on and off since about 2001 but it was very sporadic and at that time had very much gone by the wayside, so I decided that was the way I was going to start over, by running. I bought a second hand treadmill from my friend for £80 and began ‘Couch 2 5K’. I plugged away at the 9 week programme while my husband came and went from his offshore job and during the times my baby slept, and I gradually started to see the changes happening to my body.

Fast forward 3 years, and 4 marathons later (I ran my first marathon 21 months after my son was born in a time of 3:43:40) and I’m a changed woman and so proud to have featured on the cover of Women’s Running magazine! I eat a clean and nutritious diet (fuelled by Fitter Food, of course), I avoid food fads, I train regularly, and as such I’ve kept my 3 stone well and truly off.
I now try to inspire people daily through my Instagram feed (@clean_eating_running_mama) and as of this summer I’ve embarked on a new career as a personal trainer. Health and fitness is a massive part of my life now and with 40 just around the corner, I feel in the best shape of my life!”
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