
What I Ate Today And Why

10th August 2015

Call me nosey but I’m always fascinated to find out what people are eating, it often inspires me to make more positive changes within my own nutrition and offers some new, yummy ideas. Of course if it’s a trainer or nutritionist I’m even more intrigued to see how they implement the information they teach on a daily basis! I thought I would share with you what a typical menu looks like for me in the Fitter Food household, along with some details on why I make those choices. I’ve also shared my supplement regime.

Five Fat Loss Foods

2nd February 2015

Nutrition is a powerful thing. Food can heal the body, fuel performance, improve your mood and even help you burn fat. We're not talking about caffeine loaded energy drinks or raspberry ketones here either, this article is about real foods that offer an abundance of nutrients to support a healthy metabolism and enable you to hit your fat loss goals.  

Entry Level Training: Top Tips To Kick Start Your Gym Routine

10th December 2014

I often receive questions about the best way to kick start an exercise regime. Whether you are a complete beginner or someone who has taken a long break from training after an injury or similar the most important thing to remember is that we all have to start somewhere! To help you get started I'm sharing a free beginners, 4 week training plan at the end of this blog. Here are my top tips:

A Fitter Christmas Wish List

10th December 2014

How many times have you been asked for some Christmas gift ideas in the last few weeks only for your mind to go completely blank?! It has happened to us a couple of times as well so we thought we’d help you out by offering you a 'Fitter Food' inspired wish list, oh and of course we have added some knowledge bombs along the way. Feel free to send to Santa directly - if you ask us he looks in need of a few health tips.

Win Tickets to Pure Taste Restaurant Launch

29th October 2014

Listeners to our podcast may remember way back in 2013 (episode 7) we featured Holly Redman, an expert nutritionist, who was raising funds (via KickStarter) to open the UK's first gluten-free and paleo-friendly restaurant. 

10 Tips For Improving Insulin Health

8th October 2014

Optimal health is largely about achieving effective communication across the whole body. Our hormones play a significant role in this process and it's vital that our body listens and responds in a healthy way to the messages being conveyed. Insulin is one of the most important hormones as it's responsible for transporting nutrients into our cells for energy. It's therefore important your nutrition, training and lifestyle ultimately support insulin health.

Women and Weighty Issues

4th March 2013

As the fitness industry is slowly merging with the health/medical profession, trainers are being referred to as the ‘doctors of the future’… I wouldn’t go that far (can you imagine handing Matt a stool sample?)  The industry is now launching courses on stress, adrenal health, digestion and what really fascinates me; a course entitled “Women’s Issues.”  So what are these women's issues?

There Is More To Rehab Than Exercise!

27th September 2012

Ever had an injury? Ever found it to be one of THE most frustrating things in the world? Most of us have been there! When it comes to an injury the thing I hear everyone talking about is rehab, rehab and more rehab, yet their focus when they use such a word tends to be on exercises they can do in order to rehabilitate the injury. Whilst this is hugely important, rehab in my opinion is a 5 pronged approach that includes 1. Exercise 2. Nutrition 3. Supplementation 4. Rest 5. Mindset. Agree? Then keep reading.

My Best Mate & My Best Bloke

17th September 2024

If you’ve ever suffered anxiety, low mood and fatigue it’s vital to look at the people you spend the most time with. You may have heard the saying… “Your personality influences your personal reality”  That’s not just yours, but the…

Who Changed?

3rd September 2024

For 20 years I’ve been visiting Rogil on the West Coast of Portugal after my parents bought a place out here. The first few years I found it boring and I just didn’t get it. As a Londoner in…

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