
Post Exercise Carbohydrates: A Case for the Fitter Flapjack

19th November 2014

Although many of us have become a little 'carb-phobic' these days it's important to remember that in healthy quantities carbohydrates (including glucose and fructose) can be processed effectively by our body, either used for energy or stored in our muscles and liver as glycogen. For this reason one of the best times to consume carbohydrates is following exercise, when our need to replenish glycogen stores is greater.  

10 Stress Busting Nutrition Tips

12th November 2014

Armed with the latest knowledge, this weeks blog offers some guidance on the nutritional changes you can implement (alongside some key stress management measures) to help support your body and mind against the negative effects of stress that many of us experience on a daily basis.

Matt’s Top Training Tip

8th October 2014

Fitter Food’s Matt Whitmore offers expert advice about training, nutrition and fat loss.

Depression: Nutrition And Natural Measures

13th August 2014

This week the world was deeply saddened by the loss of another talented and inspirational individual. When we contemplate the life of Robin Williams many will remember him as a character in one of their favourite films - often hilarious and outrageous. We likely imagined his successful Hollywood career was accompanied by a life filled with laughter, fun, adventure and happiness.

Nuts About Coconuts

27th May 2014

At Fitter London we are coconut crazy.   It's great for digestion, energy, skin health and much more.  So we thought we'd fill you in on why and how to go coconutty!

Sure Fire Signs Your Diet Isn’t Working

5th May 2014

Were you aware that your body communicates with you all the time by sending key messages about its current health and wellbeing? In our book Fitter Food: A Lifelong Recipe for Health and Fat Loss we detail those sure fire signs that your current eating habits aren’t working for you. Many of us not only ignore this crucial feedback but also consider the following warning signs totally normal:

Moroccan style lamb meatball stew with eggs

6th January 2013

We love Moroccan flavours and we love meatballs so this is the perfect combination. Packed with anti inflammatory spices and tender lamb, topping with an egg finishes it off nicely.  It's great served with cauliflower rice but if you are looking for a higher carbohydrate option you could serve with white rice.

There is more to life than bread, chocolate and alcohol.

10th September 2012

We all have our favourite foods, beverages and past times, some are healthier than others but that’s all good. What we do and what we eat has a huge impact on our energy, mood and outlook so it's important we get it right. It's also important that the wrong things don't dictate our emotions.

Fitter Chef says “Cook fat the right way!”

1st September 2012

Not all fats are the same, make sure you know and understand your fats and how to include them in a healthy diet.  Heating and cooking with fats also changes their chemical structure, so make sure you understand how to use different fats to maximise their health benfits.

Hearty Winter Warmer Recipes

6th October 2011

Winter is here and it's time to get some hearty grub down you.  Check out our tasty winter warmers.

Get Your Daily Dose

5th October 2011

Check out our quick guide to getting your daily dose of essential  nutrients.

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