
What a HRT Prescription Taught Me About Menopause

11th December 2019

I dedicated the beginning of 2019 to writing a Peri-Menopause and Menopause E-course for our Fitter 365 Members. I had a good reason, just over a year ago, I was handed a prescription for HRT as test results showed all my hormones were in the post menopausal range.

Getting to Grips With Your Hormone Health

12th February 2018

Weight gain, hot flushes, water retention, bloating, mood crashes, poor memory, brain fog, breast pain, acne… the list goes on and it’s a familiar list to most women. Have you ever suffered with any of these symptoms?

Struggling with Hypothyroidism and Menopause Onset? Check Out This Diagram!

2nd October 2017

I recently got chatting to a lovely lady in a coffee shop after Hamish plonked his head in her lap requesting an ear tickle ? We got chatting about what we do for a living and I mentioned I was a Nutritional Therapist. She asked if I thought nutrition might be helpful for her, she had been recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and was now struggling with the onset of menopausal symptoms.

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