
Should You Go Plant Based This Year?

5th January 2022

It’s estimated 1/3 of UK adults are “interested” in changing their eating habits according to a recent YouGov poll and Veganuary could be the starting point. Personally I’m not sure about the data, I’m interested in running a marathon but… 🤣 A friend asked me if I believe a plant based diet is the best thing to do for health? Here's my reply.

Fighting Colds & Flu: Let Food Be Thy Medicine

4th October 2021

After the isolation and lockdown of 2020, the season of snot is now upon us with a renewed vengeance. As the nights get darker and the weather is getting colder, many of us have already experienced that familiar tickle in the throat, headache or runny nose that signals a familiar cold is threatening. Before you reach for any high street cold and flu remedies or paracetamol try boosting up your own natural defence systems with these superfoods that will help keep the colds at bay all winter.

Covid Measures Beyond Masks: Food, Supplements And Lifestyle

19th July 2021

As Covid 19 rates are rising again and the world is opening back up, I thought I’d share a few proactive and useful pointers you can implement to support your immune system. You’ve likely heard a few before but a little reminder always helps.

Fitter Food Radio #169: Essential Ingredients for Resilience

14th July 2021

In this episode of Fitter Food Radio, Keris and Matt discuss the factors that influence resilience and provide the physical and mental stamina to get through challenging times. Includes: The role of people around you and collective goals The…

Fitter Food Radio #166: Gut Health Geek Out

25th May 2021

Keris kicks off the first GEEK out podcast discussing the Gut Microbiome including its role in health and disease, what factors influence your microbiome, and some of the latest research. Listen below or search ‘Fitter Food Radio’ on your…

Fitter Food Radio #146 – Lockdown Life

8th May 2020

In this episode of Fitter Food Radio, we discuss adaptations we have made during lockdown life including nutrition, exercise, relationships, and emotional health. Plus why the Fitter 365 community has been essential to keep us focused during this…

Emotional Lessons From A Health Challenge

21st February 2020

Working as a Nutritional Therapist I’ve supported many clients who've been diagnosed with cancer or other life changing, health conditions. Their strength and positivity never fails to inspire me, they also discuss emotions and observations that change their outlook and priorities going forward. I wanted to share a few of them with you.

Are You Focusing On The Wrong Thing For Fat Loss?

28th January 2020

There's a common issue we see time and time again. When people want to lose body fat their primary focus shifts to exercise. It's a not necessarily an effective approach and I'm going to explain why.

Guidance For Thyroid Support

3rd January 2020

A common issue I see across my client base, especially for women, is a thyroid complication. Some cases have already been diagnosed and sometimes we identify them through a combination of blood testing and symptom analysis. However, there’s another pattern I’ve observed and that is people looking for a thyroid issue as an explanation for their sluggish metabolism or lack of results when it comes to weight loss.

5 Essentials For A FITTER Holiday

22nd July 2018

We’ve just landed back from our holiday in Portugal. If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook you’ll know there were ice creams, burgers, M&M’s and some very sedentary days. We most certainly let our hair down BUT there was also a lotta good stuff going on, here’s an insight into how we stay FITTER on holiday and few tips to take away on your own travels.

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