
How to Bounce Back After a Bad Night’s Sleep

20th December 2024

Struggling with sleep at the moment? It’s really common at this busy time of year with so many thoughts competing for your attention. Throw in some late nights, perhaps a little more food and alcohol than usual and it’s no…

8 Steps To A Better Night’s Sleep

18th March 2021

No matter what your health or performance goal getting enough sleep has to be a top priority. It's essential to support fat loss, exercise recovery, immune health, healthy hormones, muscle mass and detoxification. In honour of World Sleep Day we thought we would share our top tips for securing a good nights sleep!

Are You Focusing On The Wrong Thing For Fat Loss?

28th January 2020

There's a common issue we see time and time again. When people want to lose body fat their primary focus shifts to exercise. It's a not necessarily an effective approach and I'm going to explain why.

The One Resolution You Need To Make For Me

31st December 2017

The last year hasn’t been the easiest at times as so many people I love and care about had their lives negatively effected by chronic disease and despite having brilliant medical care, it just wasn’t enough.

FITTER Festive Survival Guide

14th December 2017

We LOVE Christmas but it’s easy to get carried away with all the booze, biscuits and boxes of chocolates on offer around the clock. Whilst it’s great to indulge a little with friends and family and get stuck into the festivities you don’t want to end the year feeling miserable because you’ve gained weight, you’re knackered, bloated and your skin is suffering a breakout. All of this can put you in a negative mood and make you no good company to be around, not an ideal mindset to kick off 2018 .

Five Bedtime Habits For a Long and Happy Life

28th October 2016

Across Fitter Food we're often talking about daily habits that support your health goals, including batch cooking, walking and exercise, it might surprise you to know how you end your day is also really significant. Overnight we build lean body mass and repair, in fact our immune system really works it's magic whilst we sleep. There are a number of steps you can easily implement alongside putting on your favourite Pj's that will support a good night's sleep and allow your body to complete it's task list of essential chores. Check em out:

5 Signs Your Man Food Needs a Makeover!

24th August 2016

I've had the opportunity to work with several blokes and I'm currently living with a rather large eating machine of a man (Matt!) so I’ve been afforded a great insight into how guys approach nutrition. One of the key things I'm always keen to coach guys about is how to recognise the signs their nutrition and lifestyle is working against their efforts in the gym and therefore hindering progress towards their performance or body composition goals. Here are the 5 signs your man food needs a makeover...

Fitter Girls Guide To The Contraceptive Pill

24th January 2016

A topic we discuss regularly is hormone health, particularly in Fitter 365 our membership group. Some of the latest content has provoked some interesting discussions about hormone supplementation with many members asking about the health implications, side effects and how they could support themselves more nutritionally. This blog series will get you up to speed on female hormone therapy, kicking off with the contraceptive pill.

5 Steps to Fire Up Your Metabolism

6th December 2015

If you have followed Fitter Food for some time now you'll know that we’ve been going on for years about the essentials of fat loss which include eating nutritious food, moving daily, exercising a few times a week, sleeping soundly and managing stress. All of these support optimal hormone health and the body's natural mechanisms for healthy weight management. Everyone needs to master the basics before they progress to more advanced protocols. However, we also acknowledge that some people's bodies need an extra nudge to get results or maybe your fat loss has stalled a little. The following are just a few simple steps you can implement that can kick your metabolism into action.

5 Lessons From Dubai about Health, Happiness & Fat Loss

6th October 2015

As you may or may not know, we've recently been in Dubai spreading the Fitter Food message with the help of Talise Fitness. Alongside some training sessions we've been coaching the folks over there about gut health, sleep, stress and hormone optimisation. A truly amazing bunch of people showed up and we had an awesome time chatting with them all about their health journeys. When I travel and have new experiences I am often reminded about some key factors that support optimal health, nothing revolutionary necessarily but rather gentle reminders of things that make me smile and enhance my health. I thought I'd share them with you all in this weeks blog.

10 Stress Busting Nutrition Tips

12th November 2014

Armed with the latest knowledge, this weeks blog offers some guidance on the nutritional changes you can implement (alongside some key stress management measures) to help support your body and mind against the negative effects of stress that many of us experience on a daily basis.

Are You Paleo or Faileo?

4th August 2014

Paleo was the most googled diet of 2013 and is finally hitting the mainstream, competing with the 5:2 and kicking Dukan to the curb.  You would think most people in the health industry would be pretty pleased about the growing popularity of paleo. However, sadly the coverage has meant some of its key principles are being lost in translation and other aspects are rather exaggerated, leaving many adopters confused about the principles, without the desired results or even worse; noticing a decline in their health. 

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