Keris’ Blog

FITTER Festive Survival Guide

14th December 2017

We LOVE Christmas but it’s easy to get carried away with all the booze, biscuits and boxes of chocolates on offer around the clock. Whilst it’s great to indulge a little with friends and family and get stuck into the festivities you don’t want to end the year feeling miserable because you’ve gained weight, you’re knackered, bloated and your skin is suffering a breakout. All of this can put you in a negative mood and make you no good company to be around, not an ideal mindset to kick off 2018 .

URGENT: Avoid Buying THIS on Black Friday

23rd November 2017

Black Friday is upon us and this year the hype is strong. I’m guilty of participation and have my eyes on a decent set of running trainers. There are certainly some bargains to be had but before you open your wallet it's important to know there's ONE thing I strongly suggest you don't splash your cash on today, as it's likely to land you in hot water at some point.

7 ‘Must Ask’ Fat Burning Questions

19th June 2017

When you want to lose weight it's obvious to focus your attention immediately on calories, macronutrients or the latest diet on your newsfeed. Whilst these may have an impact on your weight loss, prior to this there are several essential questions we work through with every client to ensure they get sustainable results. Here are 7 questions to consider BEFORE you lose hours of your headspace and time on complicated calculations and calorie apps. Let's get started...

The Always Overlooked Step That Fuels Fat Loss

31st May 2017

When it comes to fat loss the first place most people naturally head to is the gym or the fruit and veg aisle of the supermarket. This is a great shout of course, however, there’s an essential, often overlooked step that you MUST implement daily to succeed with your healthy changes. So what is it?

Five Things I’m Glad I Knew Before Running A Marathon

7th December 2016

In my last blog I wrote about the highs and lows of running a half marathon (check it out here). As much as I had a fantastic time and feel proud of what I achieved, I also made some big blunders by not sleeping enough, not eating properly and ignoring some niggling injuries. I firmly believe I'd never have made it to the starting line had I not implemented some really cool stuff prior to the race that made me a stronger runner. Here I share five things that supported my running goals.

Five Things I Wish I Knew Before Running a Marathon

11th November 2016

At the same time all the Facebook updates appeared last month about winning or losing out on a space in the London marathon I was greeted with a Facebook memory about completing my Royal Parks Half Marathon. I never made it to running a marathon as the experience left me with a pair of knackered knees and some of other health issues that stopped me from running for a couple of years. I consider it a blessing now as I dread to think where I’d be if my body had allowed me to run a marathon, I often joke with Matt that I simply can't be trusted once those trainers are on.

Stuck In Health Rut? Three Steps To Freedom

9th November 2016

Stuck in a health rut? Typically this kind of rut involves a degree of excessiveness or poor choices regarding food, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, exercise, work, recreational drugs and even spending money. Often it's hard to change these habits because they're providing a source of happiness or distraction and at the same time creating a cycle of dependency by squashing the bodies natural sense of motivation and positivity.

Five Bedtime Habits For a Long and Happy Life

28th October 2016

Across Fitter Food we're often talking about daily habits that support your health goals, including batch cooking, walking and exercise, it might surprise you to know how you end your day is also really significant. Overnight we build lean body mass and repair, in fact our immune system really works it's magic whilst we sleep. There are a number of steps you can easily implement alongside putting on your favourite Pj's that will support a good night's sleep and allow your body to complete it's task list of essential chores. Check em out:

5 Reasons Women Struggle To Lose Weight

29th August 2016

In my last blog I discussed how men tend to approach nutrition and whilst they have their “commandments” and attachments to condiments they’re generally speaking a little more laid back about the role nutrition plays in their health. Us ladies on the other hand are pro’s at making this a full time business alongside other demanding roles in our lives, like having a career, being a mother, sister, friend, etc. I’ve been totally guilty of this myself in the past, if you bring on the detail I will over analyse, overwhelm, over Google and overthink all of it!

5 Signs Your Man Food Needs a Makeover!

24th August 2016

I've had the opportunity to work with several blokes and I'm currently living with a rather large eating machine of a man (Matt!) so I’ve been afforded a great insight into how guys approach nutrition. One of the key things I'm always keen to coach guys about is how to recognise the signs their nutrition and lifestyle is working against their efforts in the gym and therefore hindering progress towards their performance or body composition goals. Here are the 5 signs your man food needs a makeover...

7 Steps To Get Your Appetite Under Control

4th July 2016

It's all very well us telling you to eat Fitter Food but not so helpful if you struggle with appetite control and managing your portion sizes. It's actually a common issue, especially if you're looking to lose weight as you may have lost the ability to eat intuitively and listen to your tum when it tells you it's full, or even more damagingly, override its message that you've had enough. You may find this difficult to believe but our body actually has natural appetite regulating and weight management mechanisms in place to prevent us from eating too much, an essential part of achieving and sustaining your fat loss goal is kicking this system back into action.

Our Favourite Ways To Fuel Festival Fun

23rd June 2016

Festival season is in full swing and we LOVE them because they're an epic combo of all our favourite things; live music, dancing, comedy, food, hanging outdoors, camping and having a good laugh with pals. We always take a Fitter pack-up along for the journey and so that we don't waste too much time in any queues when we arrive. Check out our top choices to fuel your festival antics or other summer time fun.

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