
Fat Loss

Fitter Food: A Beginners Guide

23rd October 2014

After years of eating cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and pasta for dinner we totally understand why the thought of ditching these for good might seem daunting, or even impossible. In a busy world where convenience often overrides health as a priority and ready meals have become the norm, the notion of sourcing and cooking all of your own food might just send you over the edge! With that in mind we’re offering you a few ideas on where to start your Fitter Food transition and develop healthy habits that ensure eating awesome, nourishing nutrition is effortless.

Fruit & Fat Loss

23rd September 2014

When it comes to fruit we tend to observe polar opposite approaches, either people are chomping down several servings and downing pints of orange juice to get their daily vitamin C fix or they’re avoiding it like the plague as someone informed them “fruit makes you fat!”  So what is the score with fruit? 

Matt’s Top Training Tips

3rd September 2014

Fitter Food's Matt Whitmore offers expert advice about training, nutrition and fat loss.

‘Consciously Uncoupled’ Over Kale

19th August 2014

So apparently Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin 'consciously uncoupled' over a green smoothie. Wow we knew kale was pretty powerful stuff but making or breaking a marriage, that's heavy!  Before you ditch the spirulina for a Big Mac in a bid to improve your chances of a successful relationship please hear out our case for how being healthy is actually totally awesome, exciting and anything but a reason to uncouple anyone. 

The Fitter Food Approach To PCOS

30th July 2014

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder estimated to affect seven in every 100 women in the UK. In this honest account, Keris talks about her own health struggle with PCOS and the powerful impact  nutrition and lifestyle modification played in resolving her hormonal issues. Take a read of our blog...

Nuts About Coconuts

27th May 2014

At Fitter London we are coconut crazy.   It's great for digestion, energy, skin health and much more.  So we thought we'd fill you in on why and how to go coconutty!

Fast Fat Facts!

27th May 2014

Let me hit you with a fat fact - you absolutely need fats for optimal health. Capishe? In fact, low fat diets cause nothing but low moods and misery and in our opinion should be avoided. The vital thing when it comes to fat intake is to understand how to incorporate fats into your diet to make the most of their awesome properties and to feel confident in your source choices.

Sure Fire Signs Your Diet Isn’t Working

5th May 2014

Were you aware that your body communicates with you all the time by sending key messages about its current health and wellbeing? In our book Fitter Food: A Lifelong Recipe for Health and Fat Loss we detail those sure fire signs that your current eating habits aren’t working for you. Many of us not only ignore this crucial feedback but also consider the following warning signs totally normal:

5 Awesome, Easy, Healthy Desserts

3rd April 2014

Here at Fitter Food we totally understand that every now and then you might need some 'pleasure' foods in your life - who doesn't! Now you don't need to destroy your healthy efforts at the same time with our 5 awesome, easy, healthy desserts!   These desserts are designed to give you a little of what you fancy without destroying your waistline.  Got your own healthy desserts you'd like to share? Tweet us @fitter_food 

The Fitter Food Solution

2nd April 2014

So mainstream media is catching onto the Paleo approach, especially when it comes to that all important, ever present goal of fat loss.  In 2013, Paleo was the most googled diet and this week clinical studies have announced - “Caveman diet twice as effective as modern diets when trying to lose weight”

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