

Are You Seeking Comfort From Food?

13th May 2015

My name is Matt and I am a comfort eater!  Yep, that’s right, I seek comfort from food, I use food as a means of making myself feel better when I am feeling down. Sound familiar? (Maybe? Sometimes? Never?) Well in my experience from working with individual clients, online plans and even just chatting with friends, I can confidently say that most people give in to some comfort eating or drinking at some point. Some more than others but nonetheless many people can relate to seeking comfort on a plate. 

The Beach Body Back Lash

6th May 2015

Whilst Protein World may be enjoying a temporary surge in media attention following the protests against their "Are you Beach Body Ready?" campaign, we can't help but think the entire debacle highlights just how much the health and fitness industry has really lost its way. Currently we have a national obesity crisis going on, you have a 1 in 2 chance of developing cancer and 224 people die each day from heart disease, yet half the world is still discussing the blonde in the bikini?!

5 Tips For Awesome Burgers

23rd April 2015

Whether you follow our Fitter Food Facebook page, have purchased our book (The Paleo Primer) or have checked out the recipes on our website you will be fully aware that we love a good burger here at Fitter Food. So we've put together our top tips for awesome burgers!

Have You Got The Guts For Fat Loss?

20th April 2015

The importance of gut health cannot be underestimated. No matter what your health goal; fat loss, hormonal balance, immune support or increased energy and enhanced performance, all of these start with the gut.  Our gut microbes actually outnumber our own human cells by 10 to 1, in other words we’re 90% gut bacteria and only 10% human so it makes sense to support, nourish and fuel the gut micro-biome. Much of what we do on a daily basis can help or hinder gut bacteria and their essential functions so it's important to understand your gut inside out.

Learn To Love Healthy Food

17th April 2015

Most of us know by now that we should be sipping on green tea, chomping down buckets of raw kale and getting a daily cocoa hit from a handful of cacao nibs rather than a Mars bar, but what if you don’t like the taste of these foods and eating them feels more like a chore? Nutrition is just like exercise - if you don’t enjoy it the chances of you sustaining any healthy intentions on a long-term basis are unlikely. Interestingly, there are some steps you can take to train your taste buds into liking healthier foods, allowing you to actually start to enjoy them whilst reaping the health benefits they have to offer.

5 Reasons to Attend the Fitter Food Academy

9th April 2015

Meeting Fitter Foodies at events like our Fitter Food Academy is one of the highlights of our year. If you've never attended one of our 1-day conferences before then here are 5 great reasons to grab yourself a ticket! 

Hormone Balancing Smoothies

8th April 2015

Feeling a little hormonal? It’s not surprising when you consider how our environment and lifestyle pose such a challenge to the optimal balance of hormones. Chronic stress and blood sugar issues, coupled with the pollution of our environment and food supply by estrogenic chemicals is driving many of the health issues we suffer from today, however, you are not powerless in this situation. There are many habits you can implement on a daily basis to protect yourself from hormonal imbalances and the disease risks associated with them.

Always Hungry Never Full: Healthy Appetite & Hormones

27th March 2015

At our next Fitter Food Academy, we’ll be talking about some of the key hormonal players involved in fat loss and health, with particular attention to those that govern appetite and satiety. Studies suggest there are some highly effective nutritional measures you can implement to improve the communication signals from these hormones in favour of healthy weight management.

The Best Fat Loss Diet Ever…..FACT!

27th March 2015

We’ve been in this game a long time now and have invested a lot in our own personal education, not to mention read hundreds of books and worked with thousands of clients either 1-2-1 or via our online group coaching programmes. We feel we are in a position to confidently tell you about what we believe is the best diet for fat loss, feeling awesome and allowing you to live the life you deserve. Are you ready to find out what it is….?

Saving Mum & Dad: Nutrition and Health For the Older Generations

12th March 2015

Matt and I are big fans of our parents, they mean the absolute world to us and Fitter Food wouldn’t exist without their love, support, encouragement, advice and the occasional (ahem) financial assistance. They’re pretty legendary and our mission has always been to do what we can to insure they stick around as long as possible. You really have them to thank for this article as they were the driving force behind us working hard to research and understand the scientific evidence necessary to help them live happy, long lives.

Two Things I Know.. Mums

12th March 2015

With Mother's day fast approaching it seems the right time to share my two pence worth on what I know about mums and why it's so important we make them feel special this weekend (and every weekend!). After all, a smile on your mums face is priceless - right?

Forgot Your Food Prep? Have No Fear Fitter Food is Here!

4th March 2015

So imagine the scenario you’ve had a busy weekend and forgotten to do the weekly big shop. With a full on few days ahead at work and late finishes you know you'll have no time to prepare anything in advance let alone have any leftovers for lunch. Demanding weeks like this will often have you heading home shattered, hungry and reaching for a ready meal or takeaway. Sometimes it’s easy to overthink these situations and forget that healthy food is always to hand!

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