
Love Your Legs In Six Easy Steps

13th July 2015

Lately my newsfeed keeps me telling to “Get Lean Legs!” and offering the promise of super slim thighs in six weeks. Can I be honest? It all makes me sigh a little. Don't get me wrong, I’m actually quite a fan of the 'bro-science' and articles out there about reducing lower body fat. Particularly because a lot of the information is based upon supporting optimal hormone balance and detoxification, which can only be a good thing no matter what you’re health goal is. However, they’re often lacking a little feminine perspective for my liking!

Clean Eating Vs Cheating

25th June 2015

I’ve never been very good at 100% so I no longer endeavor to achieve it when it comes to nutrition and health, I just make the right decisions the majority of the time and don’t go crazy or feel guilty when I don’t. In the past I’ve followed strict elimination diets, partly to understand the experience and benefits they have to offer and partly to help fix up my gut or maybe ditch a developing reliance on something, usually caffeine.

Privacy Notice

12th June 2015

Fitter Food Privacy Policy This page was last updated on Friday 23 April 21 This privacy notice provides you with details of how we collect and process your personal data through your use of our site

Save £5.00 at Primal Pantry!

7th June 2015

Here at Fitter Food we're big fans of the Primal Pantry and even more of a fan of their delicious paleo bars! With 5 energy bars now in the range (each made with no more than 6 real ingredients) we're delighted to offer our Fitter Foodies a very special offer so you can enjoy these yummy treats too!


5th May 2015

Join Us Online… Join Our Membership: Fitter 365 Just £15.99 a month (FREE 7 Day Trial) Fitter 365 is our monthly online membership programme, expertly designed to encourage optimal health, 365 days of the year! Jam packed with…

Hormone Balancing Smoothies

8th April 2015

Feeling a little hormonal? It’s not surprising when you consider how our environment and lifestyle pose such a challenge to the optimal balance of hormones. Chronic stress and blood sugar issues, coupled with the pollution of our environment and food supply by estrogenic chemicals is driving many of the health issues we suffer from today, however, you are not powerless in this situation. There are many habits you can implement on a daily basis to protect yourself from hormonal imbalances and the disease risks associated with them.

The Best Fat Loss Diet Ever…..FACT!

27th March 2015

We’ve been in this game a long time now and have invested a lot in our own personal education, not to mention read hundreds of books and worked with thousands of clients either 1-2-1 or via our online group coaching programmes. We feel we are in a position to confidently tell you about what we believe is the best diet for fat loss, feeling awesome and allowing you to live the life you deserve. Are you ready to find out what it is….?

Saving Mum & Dad: Nutrition and Health For the Older Generations

12th March 2015

Matt and I are big fans of our parents, they mean the absolute world to us and Fitter Food wouldn’t exist without their love, support, encouragement, advice and the occasional (ahem) financial assistance. They’re pretty legendary and our mission has always been to do what we can to insure they stick around as long as possible. You really have them to thank for this article as they were the driving force behind us working hard to research and understand the scientific evidence necessary to help them live happy, long lives.

Lessons Learned From Decades of Diets

24th February 2015

The last few decades can be characterised by their overriding theories and beliefs surrounding weight loss. We had the fat phobic, calorie counting 1970-80's, the carb controlled Atkins/Dukan/Zone throughout the 1990-00's and more recently we've HIIT the fasting, gluten free, bootcamp #everydamnday era! It seems every week there is a new villain unveiled, we all sit up to pay attention for five minutes, apply it for a week at best to unleash its revolutionary powers, before returning to the old habits and comfort zone we know and love dearly.

The Final Pieces In Your Fat Loss Puzzle

18th February 2015

It seems not a day goes by where fat loss isn't in the headlines. Plus the messages consistently relayed have become increasingly confusing. Butter is good yet it's fat that is the enemy. No wait, it's carbs that are the enemy. Make sure you do cardio oh wait, it's cardio that makes you fat etc etc. Suddenly everything you thought you knew and understood about health has come into question, your head is spinning and you're in desperate need of a brew but even that's too complicated as you have no idea what flaming milk to put in it!

Sexy Paleo: Nutrition & Lifestyle For a Healthy Libido

12th February 2015

Low libido is a common issue these days, yet few people talk about it. Many are just too embarrassed to talk about the absence of physical intimacy in their relationship, especially when it once had such a special bond. Understandably, this becomes an increasingly sensitive issue as many couples try to avoid the awkward situation of having advances refused and hearing the “I'm too tired” explanation again. Addressing the lack of lovin' in your life is a difficult, emotional thing to do but it might interest you to know that nutrition and lifestyle play a fundamental role in supporting a healthy libido.

Body Image Battles

29th January 2015

One from the archives to share today. I published this blog in January 2015 and at the time it got a huge response from many followers who identified with my own health journey. Recently we've been getting a huge number of emails from men and women deeply unhappy with how they look and looking to transform their own health. I wanted to share it again in the hope it might be helpful.

132 – 144 of 167 results