
10 Foods To Help You Lose Weight & Feel Awesome

21st September 2015

So, with this title you might be thinking that I'm going to suggest green tea (ramps up metabolism), celery (more calories to digest than it contains), coconut oil (it's fat burning y'know) and as much as I'd like to believe dipping celery into a bulletproof green tea might help your waistline, I'm yet to find anyone to do this on a daily basis, but feel free to give it a go. In actual fact, the foods I'm about to recommend have a more indirect effect on your body composition, mood, energy and vitality by feeding your gut flora.

A Day In The Life Of Matt’s Plate

16th September 2015

I have to say, I feel a bit weird writing this, as I'm dedicating a whole blog to just talking about myself and food. Okay, who am I kidding, I love talking about myself and food! A few people have been in contact after Keris wrote a similar blog and asked me to divulge what a typical day of eating and training looks like, so I figured it was about time I shared the love. I'll also explain why I make these choices, many of which are based on information I have gathered over a number of years. I hope you can gain some value from it and use it to reflect upon your own nutrition.

No Time To Train? No Problem!

9th September 2015

If you follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter you may have noticed we've been posting lots of 10 minute workout ideas. Some use only bodyweight exercises, some use kettlebells and others dumbbells or barbells, however they all have one thing in common. They last no more than 10 minutes and for good reason!

Fitter Food Academy Presents: Fuelling Awesome Health For Life

7th September 2015

Join us for our best Fitter Food Academy yet on Saturday 21 November where we'll be sharing how to fuel awesome health, for life! Just wait 'til you see our awesome line up of speakers who will be sharing their expert guidance on nutrition, training and lifestyle essentials to get you fitter than you've ever been!

Fitter Guide To Baking Part 2: Sweeteners

24th August 2015

In the first part of our Fitter Guide To Baking series we covered different flours available and here in part 2 we cover healthier options to sweeten your bake. There is so much confusion surrounding natural sweeteners and which is best to use. The answer really depends on your own personal health goals and of course the requirements of the recipe as liquid or powdered sweeteners will create different textures. Here we outline the properties of different natural sweeteners so you can decide which works for your personal nutrition and more importantly creates a better biscuit, cake or tart!

Beating Binge Eating

3rd August 2015

We’ve received several requests to provide some advice on disordered eating habits, most notably binge easting disorders and comfort eating. One issue in discussing this highly subjective topics is establishing if you have an actual disorder, or just tend to overeat due to a lack of appetite control and cravings. In many way most of the information and guidance offered here supports most disordered eating habits and emotional eating patterns.

5 Steps To Get Your Mojo Back

6th July 2015

There's something I want to share with you guys. Even though life may often look hunky dory for Matt and I, it’s actually been a bit of a rough year for us. Just like many of you we've had our fair share of personal and work related issues that have really impacted our outlook on life. At times it's felt like ‘one thing after another’ is going wrong and we've questioned our ability to cope. When lots of events beyond your control take place life can quickly became frightening and overwhelming.

Privacy Notice

12th June 2015

Fitter Food Privacy Policy This page was last updated on Friday 23 April 21 This privacy notice provides you with details of how we collect and process your personal data through your use of our site

Are You Too Scared to Switch Off?

10th June 2015

By the time you read this blog we’ll be out in the Algarve enjoying our first holiday in months. Whilst we’ve travelled around a geat deal in the last year, most of the time it’s involved working each day to some degree or a previous commitment for our time. Read about how we're coping with our switch off.

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