
Protein Banana Chia Porridge

2nd October 2017

This banana chia porridge is a great option if you’re looking for an egg or oat free breakfast. Chia seeds are a cracking source of Omega 3, protein and fibre. To help maximise the benefits of the seeds, soak them over…

15-20 Minutes

5 Tips For Planning the Perfect Healthy Menu

3rd January 2017

Sometimes even the healthiest intentions and goals can be compromised if you’re not suitably prepared. Forward planning your nutrition is incredibly important and yet is often overlooked by many people who then find themselves wondering why they can't stick to their healthy eating principles...

Five Things I’m Glad I Knew Before Running A Marathon

7th December 2016

In my last blog I wrote about the highs and lows of running a half marathon (check it out here). As much as I had a fantastic time and feel proud of what I achieved, I also made some big blunders by not sleeping enough, not eating properly and ignoring some niggling injuries. I firmly believe I'd never have made it to the starting line had I not implemented some really cool stuff prior to the race that made me a stronger runner. Here I share five things that supported my running goals.

5 Highly Effective Booty Building Exercises

29th June 2016

If you know me (Matt Whitmore) or have followed Fitter Food for some time, you'll know I love training my glutes and helping others do the same – and for good reason. The glutes are essential for a strong foundation, injury prevention and for looking smoking hot in and out of clothes. Here are my current 5 fave exercises to target the glutes ensuring they are strong and firm.

Romance Making You Fat? 5 Steps To Beat The Love Chub

17th June 2016

At the last few Fitter Food events I’ve discussed the role of relationships in health. Not something you might consider when you decide on a health or fat loss goal, but actually, it's hugely relevant.

What Do Fat Loss And Your Bank Balance Have In Common?

1st April 2016

One of the most common trends that seem to be driving a number of health issues and fat loss fails today is the fact that many people are creating a debt crisis with regard to their body. In life we need a healthy bank balance in order to pay for our living costs and do the things we enjoy like going on holiday or eating in a nice restaurant. Similarly, our body has a limited reserve of funds available for essential physiological processes and tasks – we’re referring to vitamins, minerals, hormones and all the vital nutrients that keep us alive and kicking. It has some spare resources stored away just in case we need to occasionally go above and beyond.

What If You Didn’t Run Today?

21st February 2016

I’m a member of a group on Facebook called Did You Run Today? (DYRT) As the name suggests it’s full of enthusiastic runners who share their running stories, log their routes and ‘got soaked in the rain’ photos. It’s nice to see the support given to beginners just starting out confused about footwear or tracking devices as the old timers dive in with lots of helpful tips and advice. There’s families running together and even the dogs are getting involved. The group has a fantastic energy and super friendly atmosphere that serves to motivate and support it’s members on their running journey, but what if you didn’t run today?

Female Hormones – The Menstrual Cycle and Natural Contraception

15th February 2016

Us ladies are a little more complicated than the fellas when it comes to having healthy hormones as the female hormone cycle during fertile years is geared towards reproduction. Optimal amounts of certain hormones are required at different times across the month to ensure the maturation and release of an egg occurs from the ovaries and that a pregnancy can be supported sufficiently should it take place. A number of hormones need to synchronise and a delicate balance must be maintained across the 28 days to ensure these necessary biological changes can take place.

3 Steps To Easy And Effective Fat Loss

7th February 2016

I posted on Facebook a while back that perhaps there's a little too much effort going on when it comes to fat loss and people might be missing some quick wins which could be achieved by kicking back a little and simplifying things. When an individual decides they want to change their body composition and focus on getting healthy it often starts off all guns blazing. There are plans to eat boat loads of steamed kale, smash HIIT sessions daily and answer to no one but the weighing scales.

3 Things That Got Me Through The Most Stressful Week

8th November 2015

This week is certainly up there as one of the most stressful I've had all year. The deadline to get our book to the printers is this Friday. With recipe testing, editing, referencing, macronutrient information and image design to finish, my 'to do' list went way beyond overwhelming at times. Running a business I've been here before and luckily I've made time to develop coping mechanisms that enable me to nail these projects without letting my health suffer in the process. I thought I would share with you 3 things that really helped me over the last few days when the going got really tough.

Expert Interview: Dr Tommy Wood

18th October 2015

This week we interview Dr. Tommy Wood, he's a strength and conditioning coach (so he lifts!), he's also a brainy fella; after studying medicine at Oxford University he went on to work as a doctor in central London for two years. He's now completing a PhD in Norway researching neonatal brain metabolism. Tommy is also the Chief Scientific Officer for the Physicians and Ancestral Health Society and lectures across the globe on nutrition, lifestyle and chronic diseases.

5 Lessons From Dubai about Health, Happiness & Fat Loss

6th October 2015

As you may or may not know, we've recently been in Dubai spreading the Fitter Food message with the help of Talise Fitness. Alongside some training sessions we've been coaching the folks over there about gut health, sleep, stress and hormone optimisation. A truly amazing bunch of people showed up and we had an awesome time chatting with them all about their health journeys. When I travel and have new experiences I am often reminded about some key factors that support optimal health, nothing revolutionary necessarily but rather gentle reminders of things that make me smile and enhance my health. I thought I'd share them with you all in this weeks blog.

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