
5 Essentials For A FITTER Holiday

22nd July 2018

We’ve just landed back from our holiday in Portugal. If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook you’ll know there were ice creams, burgers, M&M’s and some very sedentary days. We most certainly let our hair down BUT there was also a lotta good stuff going on, here’s an insight into how we stay FITTER on holiday and few tips to take away on your own travels.

Chatting with Dr. Chatterjee about Health

22nd November 2017

We were so chuffed to speak to Dr. Chatterjee, star of the BBC One series Doctor in the House about all things health and nutrition.  Check out the video below.

7 ‘Must Ask’ Fat Burning Questions

19th June 2017

When you want to lose weight it's obvious to focus your attention immediately on calories, macronutrients or the latest diet on your newsfeed. Whilst these may have an impact on your weight loss, prior to this there are several essential questions we work through with every client to ensure they get sustainable results. Here are 7 questions to consider BEFORE you lose hours of your headspace and time on complicated calculations and calorie apps. Let's get started...

Snacking 101: A Helpful Guide

6th March 2017

A topic that often causes a lot of confusion is snacking. Is it even good to snack and if so, which are the best options? Here's a quick low down to help you out!

Five Bedtime Habits For a Long and Happy Life

28th October 2016

Across Fitter Food we're often talking about daily habits that support your health goals, including batch cooking, walking and exercise, it might surprise you to know how you end your day is also really significant. Overnight we build lean body mass and repair, in fact our immune system really works it's magic whilst we sleep. There are a number of steps you can easily implement alongside putting on your favourite Pj's that will support a good night's sleep and allow your body to complete it's task list of essential chores. Check em out:

Conquer Your Carb Phobia: Our Top 5 Tips

6th May 2016

Most people interested in health and fitness right now have their own journey with macronutrients. Paleo and the Atkins revolution opened up our eyes to the notion that perhaps fat wasn't the enemy after all but rather carbs including  bread, rice, pasta and potatoes were causing our waistlines to expand and spill over our jeans in true muffin top style. Of course this is a hugely simplified version of events and it's clear that the goal with any macros is simply finding your sweet spot. However, gaining back your confidence eating carbs again after a low carb diet can be tricky business and is often fraught with fears of weight gain.

Why Eating Carbs In The Evening WON’T Make You Fat

20th January 2016

Ever hear the advice: “Don’t eat carbs after 6pm because your body will just store them as fat!” Simple right? WRONG. I hear this banded around all the time and to be blunt, it’s getting a bit blooming boring. You don’t need to avoid carbs after 6pm to lose body fat. In fact you don’t necessarily need to avoid carbs at any time of day in order to lose body fat.

5 Tips To Avoid The Festive Flab

16th December 2015

Probably one of the most popular questions we come across this time of year is how to have your Xmas cake and eat it without piling on the pounds. This is completely understandable as there's so much more temptation around the festive period, a greater desire to let your hair down, not to mentioned some added stressors to cope with as we tackle the xmas shopping in the gloomy, wet weather etc, etc.  One thing to emphasis here is that we are just like you. We have a few more treats than we usually do around December, crave comfort foods with the darker mornings and shorter days and it is Christmas after all!

Boot Out The Winter Blues

28th November 2015

We receive a lot of emails about how to lift your mood in the winter months when it all gets a bit dark and damp. It's incredibly common to experience a dip in mood health in the midst of winter as the miserable weather deprives us of sunshine and time outdoors. There are lots of things you can do from a nutrition and lifestyle perspective to keep levels of feel good brain chemicals topped up and protect yourself against any nutrient deficiencies that might kick in during the winter months.

Expert Interview: Dr Tommy Wood

18th October 2015

This week we interview Dr. Tommy Wood, he's a strength and conditioning coach (so he lifts!), he's also a brainy fella; after studying medicine at Oxford University he went on to work as a doctor in central London for two years. He's now completing a PhD in Norway researching neonatal brain metabolism. Tommy is also the Chief Scientific Officer for the Physicians and Ancestral Health Society and lectures across the globe on nutrition, lifestyle and chronic diseases.

A Day In The Life Of Matt’s Plate

16th September 2015

I have to say, I feel a bit weird writing this, as I'm dedicating a whole blog to just talking about myself and food. Okay, who am I kidding, I love talking about myself and food! A few people have been in contact after Keris wrote a similar blog and asked me to divulge what a typical day of eating and training looks like, so I figured it was about time I shared the love. I'll also explain why I make these choices, many of which are based on information I have gathered over a number of years. I hope you can gain some value from it and use it to reflect upon your own nutrition.

Forgot Your Food Prep? Have No Fear Fitter Food is Here!

4th March 2015

So imagine the scenario you’ve had a busy weekend and forgotten to do the weekly big shop. With a full on few days ahead at work and late finishes you know you'll have no time to prepare anything in advance let alone have any leftovers for lunch. Demanding weeks like this will often have you heading home shattered, hungry and reaching for a ready meal or takeaway. Sometimes it’s easy to overthink these situations and forget that healthy food is always to hand!

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