
How To Be Super Human

19th March 2018

A client recently said to me.... ā€œKeris I feel like youā€™re superhuman with all your lecturing, yoga and running. Iā€™m so far away from where Iā€™d like to be, itā€™s frustrating and at times feels pointless!ā€

5 Things That Fuel Fat Loss and Don’t Cost a Penny

7th January 2018

It's 2018 Fitties and New Yearā€™s resolutions are in full force. Health companies are rubbing their hands together at the thought of everyone spending their hard-earned cash on some ridiculous detox teas, weight loss pills or possibly the worst I've come across so far - a fat burning vest! Apparently just wearing it aids fat loss and tones your muscles, go figure?!

A FITTER Approach To Fat Loss

4th January 2016

Itā€™s that time of year again when many of us renew our resolutions for the year. The easy thing to do here (and most common in our experience) is to come up with a fat loss goal; drop a dress size, get a six pack, fit into my skinny jeans again,Ā blah blah. We always aim to steer people away from these goals as they're based upon a negative relationship with your body for a start, plus itā€™s no fun weighing and measuring your food and your waistline day in day out. In fact the harder people pursue this goal the more likely they are to fail at it.

Fitter Food: A Beginners Guide

23rd October 2014

After years of eating cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and pasta for dinner we totally understand why the thought of ditching these for good might seem daunting, or even impossible. In a busy world where convenience often overrides health as a priority and ready meals have become the norm, the notion of sourcing and cooking all of your own food might just send you over the edge! With that in mind weā€™re offering you a few ideas on where to start your Fitter Food transition and develop healthy habits that ensure eating awesome, nourishing nutrition is effortless.

Are You Paleo or Faileo?

4th August 2014

Paleo was the most googled diet of 2013 and is finally hitting the mainstream, competing with the 5:2 and kicking Dukan to the curb. Ā You would think most people in the health industry would be pretty pleased about the growing popularity of paleo. However, sadly the coverage has meant some of its key principles are being lost in translation and other aspects are rather exaggerated, leaving many adopters confused about the principles, without the desired results or even worse; noticing a decline in their health.Ā 

Summer Wine

28th June 2014

A friend of mine told me a story about an old man who lives in the Canary Islands - The man, now in his 90s, walks for 2 hours up and over hills every day to sit on the coast and have a chilled glass of Rioja at sunset. He says he owes it to the wine that he's kept healthy over the years - and although I am inclined to believe it's more because of the walking, I think there's some merit in his answer!

Do you wake up stiff in the morning?

24th September 2012

When I ask "do you wake up stiff in the morning?" I'm not referring to your knee joints here or your lower back. I'm talking about your morning wood, morning glory, are you pitching a tent when you wake up? Still donā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about?

A Guide to Health

9th July 2024

I just celebrated my 44th birthday. It makes me so sad that I haveĀ spent many of those years trying to look like and be someone else. Trying to change my stomach, my teeth, my hair, my running PBs… the…

Could Creatine be Beneficial for You?

29th February 2024

There's one supplement that is currently on everyone's lips: Creatine I've watched my gym bro pals chug creatine monohydrate downĀ for years and it turns out I should have been getting in on the action. Whilst it is a top supplement for improvingĀ performance during exercise, theĀ main thing you need to take away is this...

Lidocaine and Prilocaine Cream: What Is It & What Is It Used For?

25th January 2024

When it involves managing discomfort and discomfort, lidocaine and prilocaine cream is a best remedy for several health care experts. This topical anesthetic cream has actually gained popularity for its numbing residential or commercial properties and also wide variety…

Cancer Support: (7) Eating Organic & Pesticide Exposure

16th March 2022

  When looking at prevention another area to question is whether you should switch to an organic diet to lower your risk of cancer. This requires looking at two things: firstly the association between pesticide exposure and cancer. Secondly,…

Make Time For Things You Love Instead of Things You Should

7th January 2022

I talked on Instagram last week about making emotionalutions rather than resolutions this year. Yes, it is a word! šŸ¤£ In 2022Ā Matt and I areĀ focusing on small things we can do that supportĀ our emotional state, so that we seeĀ positive changes in our overall health.

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