
10 Tips For Improving Insulin Health

8th October 2014

Optimal health is largely about achieving effective communication across the whole body. Our hormones play a significant role in this process and it's vital that our body listens and responds in a healthy way to the messages being conveyed. Insulin is one of the most important hormones as it's responsible for transporting nutrients into our cells for energy. It's therefore important your nutrition, training and lifestyle ultimately support insulin health.

Basic Guide to Carbohydrates

1st October 2014

We're all a bit carb obsessed lately what with the influx of low carb, controlled carb, carb cycling diets that have dominated the nutrition and health scene.  Before you jump on the latest carb wagon it's wise to take some time to learn about carbohydrates as a group of macronutrients and how they are processed by our body.  This will help you determine your needs and possibly the food choices you subsequently make regarding carbohydrates. Here at Fitter Food we have simplified the science to help you out.

Fruit & Fat Loss

23rd September 2014

When it comes to fruit we tend to observe polar opposite approaches, either people are chomping down several servings and downing pints of orange juice to get their daily vitamin C fix or they’re avoiding it like the plague as someone informed them “fruit makes you fat!”  So what is the score with fruit? 

Going Gluten Free

3rd September 2014

We get lots of enquiries about digestive health and many requesting further information about gluten free nutrition and under what circumstances it is really necessary. We truly believe most people benefit from limiting if not completely avoiding gluten. The best thing to do is read up on the essential information and make your own decision, our guide to gluten should help you here.

Post Holiday Health Reboot: Fat Loss in 42

25th August 2014

We’re incredibly excited to announce our post summer Fat Loss in 42 Plan launches on 22 September; after a few months indulging in ice cream, al fresco vino's and a few too many bowls of chips this could be exactly what you need! This plan goes beyond just telling you what to eat and how to train, it offers a full educational programme packed with information about nutrition and lifestyle choices that bring out the best in you! 

‘Consciously Uncoupled’ Over Kale

19th August 2014

So apparently Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin 'consciously uncoupled' over a green smoothie. Wow we knew kale was pretty powerful stuff but making or breaking a marriage, that's heavy!  Before you ditch the spirulina for a Big Mac in a bid to improve your chances of a successful relationship please hear out our case for how being healthy is actually totally awesome, exciting and anything but a reason to uncouple anyone. 

Depression: Nutrition And Natural Measures

13th August 2014

This week the world was deeply saddened by the loss of another talented and inspirational individual. When we contemplate the life of Robin Williams many will remember him as a character in one of their favourite films - often hilarious and outrageous. We likely imagined his successful Hollywood career was accompanied by a life filled with laughter, fun, adventure and happiness.

Are You Paleo or Faileo?

4th August 2014

Paleo was the most googled diet of 2013 and is finally hitting the mainstream, competing with the 5:2 and kicking Dukan to the curb.  You would think most people in the health industry would be pretty pleased about the growing popularity of paleo. However, sadly the coverage has meant some of its key principles are being lost in translation and other aspects are rather exaggerated, leaving many adopters confused about the principles, without the desired results or even worse; noticing a decline in their health. 

The Fitter Food Approach To PCOS

30th July 2014

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder estimated to affect seven in every 100 women in the UK. In this honest account, Keris talks about her own health struggle with PCOS and the powerful impact  nutrition and lifestyle modification played in resolving her hormonal issues. Take a read of our blog...

5 Awesome, Easy, Healthy Desserts

3rd April 2014

Here at Fitter Food we totally understand that every now and then you might need some 'pleasure' foods in your life - who doesn't! Now you don't need to destroy your healthy efforts at the same time with our 5 awesome, easy, healthy desserts!   These desserts are designed to give you a little of what you fancy without destroying your waistline.  Got your own healthy desserts you'd like to share? Tweet us @fitter_food 

The Fitter Food Solution

2nd April 2014

So mainstream media is catching onto the Paleo approach, especially when it comes to that all important, ever present goal of fat loss.  In 2013, Paleo was the most googled diet and this week clinical studies have announced - “Caveman diet twice as effective as modern diets when trying to lose weight”

Women and Weighty Issues

4th March 2013

As the fitness industry is slowly merging with the health/medical profession, trainers are being referred to as the ‘doctors of the future’… I wouldn’t go that far (can you imagine handing Matt a stool sample?)  The industry is now launching courses on stress, adrenal health, digestion and what really fascinates me; a course entitled “Women’s Issues.”  So what are these women's issues?

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