My Biggest Fear In Life
You’ve probably realised by now I love my kettlebells, running, walking, and yoga. Exercise is a daily feature in my life and never fails to transform me mentally. So obviously my biggest fear in life is losing the ability…
You’ve probably realised by now I love my kettlebells, running, walking, and yoga. Exercise is a daily feature in my life and never fails to transform me mentally. So obviously my biggest fear in life is losing the ability…
Recently a number of clients have been in touch after experiencing more severe Covid symptoms and a few have been diagnosed with Long Covid. I noticed the majority tended to be peri-menopausal, transitioning through menopause, or highly active and…
I receive a lot of emails asking about menopause weight gain and recently wrote a blog HERE discussing some of the reasons. The possible physiological changes that can make weight loss a bigger battle include low levels of…
It’s easy to suffer from information overwhelm when the menopause symptoms begin. As you begin to research options you soon discover there are lots of options, conflicting advice and it becomes difficult to establish what’s right for…
Menopause symptoms can be complex and far-reaching, affecting both mind and body in the most unpredictable way. Hot sweats, insomnia, brain fog, weight gain, irregular cycles, vaginal changes… the list goes on and may build over time. …
I often get asked if there’s a particular diet to treat hormone issues. Common ones include PCOS, endometriosis, PMS/PMT, perimenopause, and menopause.
What do wisdom teeth removal and Menopause have in common?! This morning I had my wisdom teeth taken out - no sedation either (sob!)
A question I get asked time and time again is about whether your metabolism slows down with age and what to do about it
I dedicated the beginning of 2019 to writing a Peri-Menopause and Menopause E-course for our Fitter 365 Members. I had a good reason, just over a year ago, I was handed a prescription for HRT as test results showed all my hormones were in the post menopausal range.