
Mindset Health

Fitter Food #140 – Why We Can’t Relax

6th February 2020

Keris and Matt discuss why it’s increasingly hard to switch off and enjoy just doing nothing. They discuss the factors that contribute to excessive stimulation of the mind and strategies they’ve tried including CBD oil, adaptogenic herbs, candles, and digital detoxes.

Are You Focusing On The Wrong Thing For Fat Loss?

28th January 2020

There's a common issue we see time and time again. When people want to lose body fat their primary focus shifts to exercise. It's a not necessarily an effective approach and I'm going to explain why.

Fitter Food Radio #139 – Our Goals for a Strong 2020

1st January 2020

This week Keris and Matt reflect on lessons learned in the last 12 months and their goals for a healthy 2020 including stronger boundaries, conversations that matter, passion projects, and more in-person experiences.

Let’s Talk About Stress

5th February 2019

Stress is a regular occurrence in life, you can't avoid it and neither should you necessarily always try to, however, you must absolutely control how it impacts your health. Last week I had a deep and meaningful chat with my parents. We were discussing the amount of things they take on in life including renovation projects, travelling, looking after family, etc. Whilst they love doing these things and I wouldn’t want them to stop it’s vital they observe the impact these activities may have on their health.

TWO Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

12th November 2018

I have TWO important questions for you. A fundamental part of your health revolves around the relationships in your life. Those you spend the most time with are of course some of the most important. Now that science has established the links between your nervous, immune and hormone systems it's clear that how you feel changes your biology, relationships significantly alter your dominant emotions and therefore your health.

5 Essentials For A FITTER Holiday

22nd July 2018

We’ve just landed back from our holiday in Portugal. If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook you’ll know there were ice creams, burgers, M&M’s and some very sedentary days. We most certainly let our hair down BUT there was also a lotta good stuff going on, here’s an insight into how we stay FITTER on holiday and few tips to take away on your own travels.

Two Things Love Island Taught Me

29th June 2018

In the last three days I’ve received a couple of emails from industry folk rolling their eyes about Love Island. Meanwhile I have a confession, I love Love Island. I’m late to the party and currently working my way through previous series on Netflix. I dived in out of curiosity to see what the fuss was about and 35 hours later I got it.

The ONE Thing That Keeps Me Accountable

4th June 2018

A friend asked me recently how I stay motivated to eat healthily and exercise on a regular basis, I simply replied that "I'm lucky!" I'm lucky because I realised many years ago that I have two versions of myself. I know which one I want to be and being consistent with these habits ensures that's the case.

Why is My Naff Tattoo So Special?

25th May 2018

So I have a tattoo. I wish I could tell you that I spent hours contemplating this permanent print on my body but the truth is I googled some tattoo designs and just got it done. Why? Because I was unhappy and I desperately needed change in so many aspects of my life.

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