

Why is My Naff Tattoo So Special?

25th May 2018

So I have a tattoo. I wish I could tell you that I spent hours contemplating this permanent print on my body but the truth is I googled some tattoo designs and just got it done. Why? Because I was unhappy and I desperately needed change in so many aspects of my life.

Why I Sleep In My Gym Gear…Occasionally

2nd January 2018

Having had a brilliant Crimbo with a little extra sprinkling of sugar, lots of late nights and cheese with just about everything, I’m now back to business as usual and following my healthy Fitter Food principles.

The One Resolution You Need To Make For Me

31st December 2017

The last year hasn’t been the easiest at times as so many people I love and care about had their lives negatively effected by chronic disease and despite having brilliant medical care, it just wasn’t enough.

FITTER Festive Survival Guide

14th December 2017

We LOVE Christmas but it’s easy to get carried away with all the booze, biscuits and boxes of chocolates on offer around the clock. Whilst it’s great to indulge a little with friends and family and get stuck into the festivities you don’t want to end the year feeling miserable because you’ve gained weight, you’re knackered, bloated and your skin is suffering a breakout. All of this can put you in a negative mood and make you no good company to be around, not an ideal mindset to kick off 2018 .

Five Things I Wish I Knew Before Running a Marathon

11th November 2016

At the same time all the Facebook updates appeared last month about winning or losing out on a space in the London marathon I was greeted with a Facebook memory about completing my Royal Parks Half Marathon. I never made it to running a marathon as the experience left me with a pair of knackered knees and some of other health issues that stopped me from running for a couple of years. I consider it a blessing now as I dread to think where I’d be if my body had allowed me to run a marathon, I often joke with Matt that I simply can't be trusted once those trainers are on.

5 Reasons Women Struggle To Lose Weight

29th August 2016

In my last blog I discussed how men tend to approach nutrition and whilst they have their “commandments” and attachments to condiments they’re generally speaking a little more laid back about the role nutrition plays in their health. Us ladies on the other hand are pro’s at making this a full time business alongside other demanding roles in our lives, like having a career, being a mother, sister, friend, etc. I’ve been totally guilty of this myself in the past, if you bring on the detail I will over analyse, overwhelm, over Google and overthink all of it!

5 Reasons I Love Kettlebell Training

25th August 2016

We've been using kettlebells for years, long before they became popular and we are still using them long after they have gone out of fashion it seems. For good reason too – they are awesome. When carried out correctly, kettlebell training is the ultimate fat burning and strength building tool and I'm about to tell you why.

Thrive in Five: 5 Ways To Boost Testosterone Naturally

25th August 2016

Fellas, it's no secret, testosterone levels are on the drop. In fact, testosterone in men has dropped rapidly over the last 50 years. This is due to many factors such as nutrition, alcohol consumption, smoking and other lifestyle factors, however you CAN do something about it. Now some things are a little out of our control but many things are and can be changed in order to optimise your bodies natural testosterone production.

Bodyweight & Kettlebell Fat burning Pyramid

26th July 2016

We are huge fans of short but effective workouts. We love longer workouts too but we understand that time is not always on our side and it's good to have some training ideas at your finger tips to get the job done in minimal time.

Train in the evening? Then read this for EPIC results

6th July 2016

'When's the best time to train in order to lose body fat?' is a question I get often. It usually stems from the myth that training first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is more fat burning. Truth is, there is little evidence to support this claim and this can often be counter-productive. Instead, I have always said the most effective time of day to train for fat loss is the time of day that would allow for the most adherence.

5 Highly Effective Booty Building Exercises

29th June 2016

If you know me (Matt Whitmore) or have followed Fitter Food for some time, you'll know I love training my glutes and helping others do the same – and for good reason. The glutes are essential for a strong foundation, injury prevention and for looking smoking hot in and out of clothes. Here are my current 5 fave exercises to target the glutes ensuring they are strong and firm.

#FitterFriday Fat Loss Circuit [No Gym Needed]

6th May 2016

This weekend make it your mission to smash this awesome fat loss workout! This circuit is designed to target every muscle in the body, giving you an awesome calorie burn, taking your cardio fitness up a gear and keeping your metabolism boosted for up to 24 hours afterwards. Best of all it'll take you less than 20 minutes. I like to use outdoor bodyweight training as the perfect complement to my heavy lifting gym sessions. Give it a try!

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