Fat Loss

The One Thing Investing and Fat Loss Have in Common

I’m no Warren Buffett but I do have a very small investment portfolio (ok it’s tiny but it’s a start) and I enjoy reading books and articles etc to help me grow that portfolio and get a good return on my investment. Well that’s certainly the plan at least.

How is this relevant to fat loss?

Matt and Keris Fitter Food High Five Well in all the books I have read about investing there’s a bit of advice that has pretty much featured in all of them…

Looking for a quick buck is a losing strategy and rarely works out, investing is a longterm game so BE PATIENT. 

Truth be told patience is not something I possessed naturally however it is something I have learned to develop with myself and when working with clients, especially when it comes to health and fat loss.

BUT when it does come to fat loss many have a serious lack of the key ingredient patience and expect to see a drastic change in their weight or appearance almost immediately, unfortunately it rarely works like that.

Making an investment is very much the same.

If you could put £100 into something and a week later it was worth £1000 everybody would be doing it.

Very rarely do you buy stocks and sell them a few weeks later for big bucks and even if you’re lucky enough for this to happen sustaining that kind of investment model would be pretty much impossible and therefore unsustainable.

What I mean is sure you can achieve fat loss results quickly, BUT in my experience it’s rarely sustained. Whereas a more long-term vision broken down into smaller achievable chunks has a much higher success rate.

Problem is the long term game doesn’t quite have as much sex appeal as a quick, short term approach and this usually means folks give up before they have even started.

I have only one regret with my investment portfolio and that’s that I didn’t start it sooner.

There was an element of fear because there were no guarantees with my investment, it’s an area I am certainly no expert in but was willing to learn the best I could to make as much of a calculated decision as I could but it did make me feel unfordable, heck it still does.

I wish I had started sooner, don’t let that be the case with you when investing IN YOU. Take action today, be patient but know the return will come, just maybe not quite as quickly as you thought, but it will.

The good news is we can help you INVEST IN YOU and you don’t have to worry about what you will get for your investment because your return will be priceless.

With Our Fitter 16 Lifestyle Transformation Plan you could see a return in as little as 4 weeks just like these awesome lot below.

But for us the real results come after 16 weeks just like some of graduates above. Why? Because after 16 weeks it’s no longer a diet, it’s a lifestyle.

No fads, no calorie counting and crazy workout plans. Just good food and progressive workouts with a little bit of what you fancy too.

Whatever you do just take action and invest in you today, we would love to be part of your journey so check out www.fitter16.com and get in touch with any questions.


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