
9 Reasons You Might Not Be Losing Weight

1st June 2016

If you've been on a mission to lose weight and things are stalling, or worse still going in the wrong direction and you're actually gaining body fat, here are a few suggestions and ideas that might help you get back on track with your fat loss goals.

Fix Yourself with Fitter Food

4th April 2016

Join us at The Barns Fitness Studios as we discuss health with the Fitter Food approach. The evening will begin with two key talks on a range of health and fitness topics presented by Fitter Food founders, Keris Marsden and Matt Whitmore, followed by some Fitter Food Chilli and more discussion!

Contraception Continued: The Coil, Condoms and the Snip

1st February 2016

Following on from my previous blog on the female contraceptive pill I received a lot of requests to detail other contraceptive options and any potential health implications or side effects. In this blog I'll discuss the coil and barrier methods including condoms and the diaphragm. I've also had some blokes ask if I can cover vasectomies just in case they need to prepare themselves for the responsibly ;-) My biggest dilemma with this blog was what to use as the featured image lol!

Fitter Girls Guide To The Contraceptive Pill

24th January 2016

A topic we discuss regularly is hormone health, particularly in Fitter 365 our membership group. Some of the latest content has provoked some interesting discussions about hormone supplementation with many members asking about the health implications, side effects and how they could support themselves more nutritionally. This blog series will get you up to speed on female hormone therapy, kicking off with the contraceptive pill.

5 Daily Habits To Transform Hormone Health

13th September 2015

Hormone health is frequently talked about across the health and fitness industry. It's certainly significant and we do a lot to educate people about how hormones work and how they may impact upon your health goals. However, I frequently see people fly off immediately to get tests done, buy expensive supplements and start posting in Facebook groups for help as a first point of call.

Stop Wasting Time On Fat Loss

7th September 2015

Whenever I ask clients or Fitter Foodies about their top goals, you can guarantee fat loss figures somewhere in the list. For many people it's their No.1 goal, whilst others might speak of health priorities like "fix my bloating" or "improve energy levels" but there is always an added "oh and lose a few pounds" somewhere in the conversation too. The problem with these fat loss goals is you're almost doomed to fail from the start! Here's why!

Fitter Guide To Baking Part 3: Pimp The Bake

31st August 2015

In the final blog of our baking series I’m covering how to 'pimp your baking' and some add extra nutrients. This could be anything from vegetables in your cookies or cakes, antioxidants in your puddings and pies or adapting recipes to help them fit your macronutrient needs. Once you have experimented with alternative flours and different healthy sweeteners, the icing on your bake is to add some nutrient dense foods like spices, cocoa and coffee to make your recipe comply with your own personal nutrition needs. Here are three simple steps to pimping your bake:

What I Ate Today And Why

10th August 2015

Call me nosey but I’m always fascinated to find out what people are eating, it often inspires me to make more positive changes within my own nutrition and offers some new, yummy ideas. Of course if it’s a trainer or nutritionist I’m even more intrigued to see how they implement the information they teach on a daily basis! I thought I would share with you what a typical menu looks like for me in the Fitter Food household, along with some details on why I make those choices. I’ve also shared my supplement regime.

Love Your Legs In Six Easy Steps

13th July 2015

Lately my newsfeed keeps me telling to “Get Lean Legs!” and offering the promise of super slim thighs in six weeks. Can I be honest? It all makes me sigh a little. Don't get me wrong, I’m actually quite a fan of the 'bro-science' and articles out there about reducing lower body fat. Particularly because a lot of the information is based upon supporting optimal hormone balance and detoxification, which can only be a good thing no matter what you’re health goal is. However, they’re often lacking a little feminine perspective for my liking!

Clean Eating Vs Cheating

25th June 2015

I’ve never been very good at 100% so I no longer endeavor to achieve it when it comes to nutrition and health, I just make the right decisions the majority of the time and don’t go crazy or feel guilty when I don’t. In the past I’ve followed strict elimination diets, partly to understand the experience and benefits they have to offer and partly to help fix up my gut or maybe ditch a developing reliance on something, usually caffeine.

Save £5.00 at Primal Pantry!

7th June 2015

Here at Fitter Food we're big fans of the Primal Pantry and even more of a fan of their delicious paleo bars! With 5 energy bars now in the range (each made with no more than 6 real ingredients) we're delighted to offer our Fitter Foodies a very special offer so you can enjoy these yummy treats too!

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